Hammered's© thread about all nasty stuff

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W:O:A Metalhead
13 Nov. 2002
Drachten/ Fryslân
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Originally posted by ShizzoKrause
Yes, we gotta deal with it!

Well, it makes You enjoy your live twice as much. Because you know now how fast it can come to an end. So you better live fast, 'cos you might die young !!! Had a nephew that got killed in a car-crash. He was a couple of years younger as me.... now that's not on an age that people should die. I guess this attitude is a mixture of momento mori and carpe diem. That's why I like stuff like Wacken; get as much sex, drugs and rock and roll before I die and rot away !!!!


W:O:A Metalmaster
5 Sep. 2002
Czech Republic
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I don't know if I would ever been able to work on pathology,because most of the people those are working there drink too much to deal with that.But I am like more pain I see and feel,less feeling I have,I just start to accept that.I hated almost everything what I like now but I got comfortable with that.Working on the place like that I would more and more lack feelings.I am just loosing it.