Hammered's© thread about all nasty stuff

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W:O:A Metalhead
13 Nov. 2002
Drachten/ Fryslân
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The worst thing I have seen was a little girl hit by a car lying in a pool of blood on the highway with her skull cracked. It just had happened when we arrived at the spot with our car. I always thought I was a tough guy watching horrormovies and reading carcass lyrics, but I felt pretty bad after that experience !!!


W:O:A Metalmaster
5 Sep. 2002
Czech Republic
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Worst thing I have seen was when two big dogs killed my friend's small dog.Since that I am angry about these killer dogs,few months later there were other killer dogs attacking bigger dogs,but I promise I was so angry on them that if I had a army knife I would kill some of them.I am allways angry to death.
I won´t tell you about the worst thing I´ve seen. But once when we drove to a studyweek to Copenhagen from school, someone jumped in front of it. You can feel the train running over the corpse inside the train. And afterwards we all had to get out and saw the bloody mess on the wheels........
I was about 16 years old and felt that was almost funny because the person was unknown.....


W:O:A Metalmaster
9 Juli 2002
Mölndal, Sweden
I've seen dead ppl and shit, but nothing nasty that has stuck to my mind.

But, well, once when I went to the "toliet" (plastic cube) at Wacken there was shit up to the fuckin rim, that was sortof nasty, I couldn't even stand to be in there...
Originally posted by gnoff
I've seen dead ppl and shit, but nothing nasty that has stuck to my mind.

But, well, once when I went to the "toliet" (plastic cube) at Wacken there was shit up to the fuckin rim, that was sortof nasty, I couldn't even stand to be in there...

It´s getting real nasty if you are involved by knowing the persons


W:O:A Metalmaster
9 Juli 2002
Mölndal, Sweden
You mean the person that died?
Well, yes, that's not fun.

One time when I was a child I saw when a dog bit a large chunk out of the leg of a relative, a lot of ppl got real upset then...