Hi Brat, yeah I know, thier web page sort of sucks, but it's a really good place.
They do play metal there, but not the heaviest stuff though. CAn't hear any death or black metal...
As long as you can survive with 80:s-metal like guns, metallica, AC/DC, Iron Maiden as well as some new stuff like Rammstein, Pantera and Pain, yuo'll like it fine I think
One of the reasons I started hanging there was for the cheap price on bottled beer, when I was a student I could still get shit faced there a few times a week, even though the low income.
Now I keep going because I just love the place
You're going to the "Piteå dansar och ler" festival?
That's way up north
You'll be spending two weeks in Stockholm as well then?
Cool, drop me a note if you want any more ideas on how to spend your time here.
that's a shame, I think I would have enjoyed his arguments on why Swedes are so incredibly stupid