Awesome day today. Got home from work and in the mailbox was a package from Germany. My 3 beautiful Wacken 2008 tickets and some Burger King coupons. Less then 3 weeks after they were shipped I received them. Very awesome.
Awesome day today. Got home from work and in the mailbox was a package from Germany. My 3 beautiful Wacken 2008 tickets and some Burger King coupons. Less then 3 weeks after they were shipped I received them. Very awesome.
Awesome day today. Got home from work and in the mailbox was a package from Germany. My 3 beautiful Wacken 2008 tickets and some Burger King coupons. Less then 3 weeks after they were shipped I received them. Very awesome.
I was shocked that I received them so fast. A nice surprise after a long day at work and having a cold as well.
I was shocked that I received them so fast. A nice surprise after a long day at work and having a cold as well.
Yes, I remember the day when I got my tickets vividly. It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon.![]()
Awesome day today. Got home from work and in the mailbox was a package from Germany. My 3 beautiful Wacken 2008 tickets and some Burger King coupons. Less then 3 weeks after they were shipped I received them. Very awesome.
Awesome day today. Got home from work and in the mailbox was a package from Germany. My 3 beautiful Wacken 2008 tickets and some Burger King coupons. Less then 3 weeks after they were shipped I received them. Very awesome.
Ordered mine a few days ago, who knows how long it'll take for em to arrive downunder... eeek!
you ordered woa tickets a few days ago?
look at the date of his post![]()