Out of curiosity, though, what is Wackenblut? I think it means Wacken blood, but beyond that, I have no idea. Didn't try it at the time.
Out of curiosity, though, what is Wackenblut? I think it means Wacken blood, but beyond that, I have no idea. Didn't try it at the time.
it's tasty! mhmmmm
I've never tried it... *pokerface*
it wikingerblut from the wacken brand
so, it's mead with cherry juice
Sounds delicious, but before I consider purchasing a bottle of my own, does it taste remotely like cherry flavoured cola, or does it taste like actual cherries?
it tastes like mead and actual cherries.
it's quite good, but the taste varies a lot between different brands.
some use cherries in the fermentation proces, others at the cherrie juice afterwards, which of course has a totally different taste.
Is it very sweet? Sounds awesome, but my history with alcoholic beverages containing a lot of sugar isn't something to brag about; the combination tends to end up resulting in a mess.
Hum... I suppose I could deal with a shot. A whole mug, definitely not.