Get Well Dio

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W:O:A Metalmaster
27 Dez. 2001
I´m with the idea, sounds great. Just send me a PM, only at weekdays and daytime, my Inet at home just crashed...


W:O:A Metalgod
18 Sep. 2008
also, ich hab mir das ganze so vorgestellt.:

wir machen ein extra genesungsthread für dio auf, wo wir unsere besten genesungswünsche hinein schreiben können.

diesen thread schicken wir per E-mail als link an die orga oder ICS . die sollen das dann an dio weiterleiten.

ich weiß nicht, ob das klappt, ist vielleicht die gleiche idee von forever?.


W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007
translation of phönix schrieb:
so I imagined the whole time:

we could make an extra thread for Dio where we could write our best wishes.

we'd send a link that thread via email to the orgas, who would forward it to Dio.

I don't know if that would work, it's maybe the same idea of Forever?

[my response via PN :D]


W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007
so far I'm getting some PMs from people telling me what they want to put in the card... that's perfectly okay for the rest of you :] apparently people don't want to write it in this thread :(:D but yea, feel free to do either, or email it, or IM me, however you want to do it :p

du kannst auch auf deutsch schreiben... weiß nicht, wenn Dio das verstehen kann :D aber ich oder Quark kann es übersetzen, falls du das willst :]

also I had a random idea off the top of my head... if any of you who participated want me to send you the final email as well so you can see it, I can put together a mailing list and do so.


W:O:A Metalgod
18 Sep. 2008
[my response via PN :D]

so far I'm getting some PMs from people telling me what they want to put in the card... that's perfectly okay for the rest of you :] apparently people don't want to write it in this thread :(:D but yea, feel free to do either, or email it, or IM me, however you want to do it :p

du kannst auch auf deutsch schreiben... weiß nicht, wenn Dio das verstehen kann :D aber ich oder Quark kann es übersetzen, falls du das willst :]

also I had a random idea off the top of my head... if any of you who participated want me to send you the final email as well so you can see it, I can put together a mailing list and do so.
ok, das mach ich dann so. :D