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W:O:A Metalmaster
26 Nov. 2001
(ehem.Ruhrpott) Düsseldorf
Meister Jäger??
Damn good choice ..with lots of herbs and other natural and healthy things in it...Nice Mixdrink as well....try some Jägermeister with Orangejuice when you are getting bored...I know I also thought it sound awfull but actually it is quite tasty....

And regrets to North Sweden ..damn you seem to have a bad influence on Germany ..all the time taxraise...taxraise..taxraise..
Luckily the booze is still cheap enough to drown your my "Winterpayment" this month which is actually an additional payment like the 13th month.. I don't even get half of it past the taxoffice....

I was allways wondering why loads of Bands come from Scandinavian countries....obviously you haven't got anything better to is too expensive, everything else is frozen or /and too play in a it that how we are supposed to see it???



W:O:A Metalmaster
10 Okt. 2002
Originally posted by Suwarin

I was allways wondering why loads of Bands come from Scandinavian countries....obviously you haven't got anything better to is too expensive, everything else is frozen or /and too play in a it that how we are supposed to see it???


:eek: exactly my theory again!


W:O:A Metalmaster
15 Aug. 2002
Website besuchen
Originally posted by Suwarin

I was allways wondering why loads of Bands come from Scandinavian countries....obviously you haven't got anything better to is too expensive, everything else is frozen or /and too play in a it that how we are supposed to see it???


Reasons? You want reasons? Alright, here are the Top Ten reasons why so many bands from Scandinavia stormed the world.

1. There is not much to do during winter - it's dark, cold and lonely. And in summer the mosquitos are coming.
2. Every now and then, Skandinavians like to get drunk. As a beer costs about as much as Poland, it's quite a good idea to start a Rockband and leave!
3. Have you seen skandinavian art? Good, now you know why they're singin'.
4. Skandinavian words just have a beautiful, flowing quality to them, that makes them natural to sing along to. Just think of Kjetil Andre Aamodt, hyypyytyynyy or Krölle-Bölle-icecream!
5. In the fifties and sixties, most of the porn was produced by Skandinavians. It got boring after a time, so they took to making other noises in the Seventies (Compare ABBA, which is sort of a mixture of the porn and music wave)
6. The trolls make them play music. You never argue with trolls.
7. There is quite a lot of forest in Skandinavia. When Skandinavians get bored in winter they chop off the forests and make things out of the wood, like instruments. And it would be a shame to just let them rot in the corner.
8. The cosmic sound gets more easily to polar regions, as the ozone layer has diminished sufficiently.
9. Skandinavians are so rich today that they can go for any crap job. Mushroom searchers in Skandinavia get about 15000 Euro a month, Train conductors get 35000 and for a job as a child molester you can get up to 80000! Of course after taxes everyone has got the same, a small house, a Ford and a good feeling that the state is taking care of everything. Some Skandinavians at one point realize that it is completely unimportant what they do for a living and become rockstars.
10. After seeing how much the world liked ABBA and Europe it was clear to even the most stupid Skandinavians that the idiots outside will virtually buy everything that is blond. So they give the world what it wants.

Understand now?
Originally posted by monochrom
Reasons? You want reasons? Alright, here are the Top Ten reasons why so many bands from Scandinavia stormed the world.

1. There is not much to do during winter - it's dark, cold and lonely. And in summer the mosquitos are coming.
2. Every now and then, Skandinavians like to get drunk. As a beer costs about as much as Poland, it's quite a good idea to start a Rockband and leave!
3. Have you seen skandinavian art? Good, now you know why they're singin'.
4. Skandinavian words just have a beautiful, flowing quality to them, that makes them natural to sing along to. Just think of Kjetil Andre Aamodt, hyypyytyynyy or Krölle-Bölle-icecream!
5. In the fifties and sixties, most of the porn was produced by Skandinavians. It got boring after a time, so they took to making other noises in the Seventies (Compare ABBA, which is sort of a mixture of the porn and music wave)
6. The trolls make them play music. You never argue with trolls.
7. There is quite a lot of forest in Skandinavia. When Skandinavians get bored in winter they chop off the forests and make things out of the wood, like instruments. And it would be a shame to just let them rot in the corner.
8. The cosmic sound gets more easily to polar regions, as the ozone layer has diminished sufficiently.
9. Skandinavians are so rich today that they can go for any crap job. Mushroom searchers in Skandinavia get about 15000 Euro a month, Train conductors get 35000 and for a job as a child molester you can get up to 80000! Of course after taxes everyone has got the same, a small house, a Ford and a good feeling that the state is taking care of everything. Some Skandinavians at one point realize that it is completely unimportant what they do for a living and become rockstars.
10. After seeing how much the world liked ABBA and Europe it was clear to even the most stupid Skandinavians that the idiots outside will virtually buy everything that is blond. So they give the world what it wants.

Understand now?

That´s what I have seen from there too :D:D:D:D


W:O:A Metalmaster
26 Nov. 2001
(ehem.Ruhrpott) Düsseldorf
@mono Great thanx....actually I had similar ideas and theories..I just wanted to get a confirmation from a Swede..
@xpet&shizzo Seems like the old saying..."Zwei dumme ein Gedanke!" sholud be expanded to include more people or to make a general theory out of it....*ggg*