Originally posted by Thordis V.
who's then the Malaysian Dittohead mentioned??
Originally posted by Zarborg
I hope I'll be there in the time. I'll arrive on Wednesday, but I just check the plane and from now I cannot said If I'll be there at 2 p.m.. The plane I looking for arrive at 10a.m., so 4 hour for Hambourg-Wacken I think is enough. But I'll depend of the price of the other fly (I'll not paid 100 euro surplus just for the cup, sorry, i'm not rich). I will have a answer tomorrow or saturday...
Originally posted by Zarborg
Originally posted by Zarborg
Ok, so we gonna win on Wednesday...
gnoff will arrive on wednesday or thursday ?
Originally posted by gnoff
I'll come thursday morning
Practice today, rode my bike to town, had a "few" beers and then rode back, still can make the blood flow in this old body
Am I making sense??
Originally posted by dittohead
hahah yes!!!!
you rode down to an area to have a few beers???
Originally posted by gnoff
And back home
So what did it all end up with, we changed our name to
IAAS Bastards
And do we have enough guys arriving early enough to play the wednesday games as well?