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Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
For those who are able to read either German or Dutch, I'd like to point your attention to this: &

We are waiting for an English translation, but it hasn't ben made yet. (they're behind in those things)

Dear Metalheads,

As announced, we have again looked at the problems of camping reaervations and we had a meeting with all the people who are responsable. We thouroughly looked at the differents versions to adapt the one or other thing.

The result of the previous voting on the web was that reservations should be continued. We now try to develop a comcept to have this running the most optimal way in the future for all participants.

Biggest problem of course is as usual, the fact that visitors, despite their reservations, are arriving before Wednesday, and have to camp on C first, en later move to R - where big "holes" are created on C which cannot be filled again, and "nice" camp ground is being "lost"…

We hereby propose following possibilities:

A. Maintain camping (as usual) and give up at bad weather, 'cause it is the most moisted of all.
B. Camping on "safe ground", to become more independent on weather conditions (with the direct flow of visitors during nicgt and early morning) and possibility for reservation as from 50 persons, because the community is the most important…!!

C. Camping reservation to be abandoned.

We ask for your help.

Please send opinions and other remarks to:

Thanks a lot.



A rough translation, but I reckon it'll help.


W:O:A Metalmaster
18 Juni 2007
Marburg, Hessen
Dear Metalheads,

As announced, we have again looked at the problems of camping reaervations and we had a meeting with all the people who are responsable. We thouroughly looked at the differents versions to adapt the one or other thing.

The result of the previous voting on the web was that reservations should be continued. We now try to develop a comcept to have this running the most optimal way in the future for all participants.

Biggest problem of course is as usual, the fact that visitors, despite their reservations, are arriving before Wednesday, and have to camp on C first, en later move to R - where big "holes" are created on C which cannot be filled again, and "nice" camp ground is being "lost"…

We hereby propose following possibilities:

A. Maintain camping (as usual) and give up at bad weather, 'cause it is the most moisted of all.
B. Camping on "safe ground", to become more independent on weather conditions (with the direct flow of visitors during nicgt and early morning) and possibility for reservation as from 50 persons, because the community is the most important…!!

C. Camping reservation to be abandoned.

We ask for your help.

Please send opinions and other remarks to:

Thanks a lot.



A rough translation, but I reckon it'll help.

Having never been to Wacken, I don't understand this too well. Can you give the general meaning of it?


W:O:A Metalhead
17 Juni 2003
Mpls. MN USA
correct me if I'm wrong

A. Maintain camping (as usual) and give up at bad weather, 'cause it is the most moisted of all.
B. Camping on "safe ground", to become more independent on weather conditions (with the direct flow of visitors during nicgt and early morning) and possibility for reservation as from 50 persons, because the community is the most important…!!

C. Camping reservation to be abandoned.

......looks like, to me....they are saying that popular vote has been to maintain the ability for groups to reserve an area, and they want to keep that possibility, but the biggest problem with that, is the camping area where the reserved spots normally are, is not only the BEST area, it's also the wettest, and the last to open.

The people who arrive before the festival "opens" (a lot show up days early) can only camp in area "C". That gets trashed, and then people with reservations, go in to a nice spot, leaving C, crapified on Wednesday.

If the weather is bad, and the reserved area is soaked at festival start, they may not let reservations stand there.

I think option B may involve holding reservations on higher ground (but probably not as optimal as in the past, as far as distance to the stages) someplace new.


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
A question in the German (Forum Treffen) board:
Please, if you want to, just quote following message, delete the "quote" codes, and enter your name.

(translation of the question: Who will be on the comming W:O:A and has got interest to make a forum camp again - so we can make reservations?

Look for the question as stated below, and add your name there as well!!!

Wer is eigentlich dies Jahr aufm W:O:A und hat ggf dann Interesse, wieder ein Forum-Camp zu machen - so denn Reservierungen angenommen werden?

- Hein
- Karsten
- Linda
- LooseCannon
- Quark
- Toffi Fee
- wackenmike


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Update for an eventuel Forums camp in Wacken:

Even when reservations are no longer taken, it will be possible to camp together....) ;)


- Blacklady
- E'Lell
- Hein
- Karsten
- Kate McGee
- Linda
- LooseCannon
- Lxe (+1)
- M.P.E.S. Werner + Gunni *malganzdreisteintrag*
- Netfreak63 + Sein Sohn + 2 oder 3 seiner Kumpelz
- Der 667ste Papst
- Quark
- Toffi Fee
- wackenmike
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Update: Fields of Rock is on the weekend of 20 - 22/06/08

Nog ruim een half jaar te gaan en dan is het weer zover: Fields of Rock! Het campingfestival Fields of Rock vindt in 2008 plaats in het weekend van 20, 21 en 22 juni. Op deze dagen staat Evenemententerrein Walibi World in Biddinghuizen volledig in het teken van de stoerste rock, de hipste metal en allerlei toffe activiteiten voor alle liefhebbers van het muzikaal hardere werk.

In tegenstelling tot de vorige editie staan er ook op de vrijdagavond al bands op de bühne van Fields of Rock.

Dus blok het weekend van van 20, 21 en 22 juni in je agenda en check regelmatig deze website voor al het nieuws over Fields of Rock 2008! Meer nieuws over de artiesten en de start van de voorverkoop volgt snel.

Rock on!


W:O:A Metalmaster
18 Juni 2007
Marburg, Hessen
Update for an eventuel Forums camp in Wacken:

Even when reservations are no longer taken, it will be possible to camp together....) ;)


- Blacklady
- E'Lell
- Hein
- Karsten
- Kate McGee
- Linda
- LooseCannon
- Lxe (+1)
- M.P.E.S. Werner + Gunni *malganzdreisteintrag*
- Netfreak63 + Sein Sohn + 2 oder 3 seiner Kumpelz
- Der 667ste Papst
- Quark
- Toffi Fee
- wackenmike

count me in.



Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
An update:

  1. 808Metal +1
  2. Blacklady
  3. Coremümmel
  4. das Q
  5. E'Lell (+1 oder 2)
  6. Hein
  7. Karsten
  8. Kate McGee
  9. Linda
  10. lindsch
  11. LooseCannon
  12. LXE (+1)
  13. M.P.E.S. Werner + Gunni *malganzdreisteintrag*
  14. mental_mercury
  15. Netfreak63 + Sein Sohn + 3 seiner Kumpelz
  16. Der 667ste Papst
  17. Quark
  18. Toffi Fee
  19. Viburnum
  20. wackenmike

+9 people.

That makes 29 already! If we only need 50, we need but 21 more!

Edit Piaf zegt: We only need 29 now! It's official. Minimun is 50!
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Dear Metalheads,

As announced on noumerous occasions, we have talked about themes like campgrond reservations and crowdsurfing. (...)

You were numerous in giving your vote, your opinion and your proposals to make it better. Thank you for that.


The result:

The rules for campgrond reservations will be as followed in 2008:

- Campgrond reservations will be open - again- for groups as from 50 people.

The reserved place will however be replaced to another. but bigger field, to make us more independent for weather conditions, but also for a better connection for traffic. Precise plans will follow in February.

As most of you told us, it's not about camping close to the festivalarea, but to improve the community feeling.


Thanx for your support.

W:O:A Team

(an official English translation of this text has not been published yet on the date I wrote this)