First Wacken... help appreciated

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W:O:A Metalhead
i have a stupid question, how far is it from the hamburg airport to that record store that has the shuttles to wacken???? because if it isnt to far i would walk to that store, but if it is far, i would take a taxi, and if i knew before hand, i would know what to do once i got there!!!! maybe, im a dumb american :D:D:D


20 Juli 2007
Hello! I'm new here and this is the first year I'll go to Wacken. I already bought my ticket...and I've got a question: in this ticket is included the camping price?and if that is included, I think I can bring a tent where I can sit, no?

Kate McGee

W:O:A Metalgod
13 Aug. 2002
What exactly do you mean when you say "a tent where I can sit"? Just a bigger tent with one part where you can sleep and another part where you can sit around or where you can store your belongings? Or do you mean something like a seperate pavilion where you can sit in the shade or so?

But whatever you are allowed to bring it to Wacken. People are bringing so many strange things to Wacken... :D

Oh yes, and the price for camping is included in the ticket. :)