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Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Update: (although I thought it was for Thursday, but women.....)
My wife went back to the docter this morning to get a blood test. And it appears that she's pregnant! This means that we'll have a "Wacken" baby!!! :D


But however, I'm still a bit causious, due to the 2 previous failures. Still this calls for a celebration!!!!


W:O:A Metalmaster
9 Juli 2002
Mölndal, Sweden
Quark schrieb:
Update: (although I thought it was for Thursday, but women.....)
My wife went back to the docter this morning to get a blood test. And it appears that she's pregnant! This means that we'll have a "Wacken" baby!!! :D


But however, I'm still a bit causious, due to the 2 previous failures. Still this calls for a celebration!!!!

Hey, all the best :)


W:O:A Metalmaster
9 Juli 2002
Mölndal, Sweden
Lady_Wolf schrieb:
3x is scheepsrecht!
(sorry don't know what this is in English and I am to lazy to find out)

I hope for the best!
but be prepared, in about 8 months you will have MU and me over for baby inspection :p

In English it's something like

Third time's the charm.


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Lady_Wolf schrieb:
3x is scheepsrecht!
(sorry don't know what this is in English and I am to lazy to find out)

I hope for the best!
but be prepared, in about 8 months you will have MU and me over for baby inspection :p
Be aware. During "resting hours" the door bell won't work, and knocking on windows either. During those hours it'll be RESTING HOURS FOR ALL OF US!!! :D (yes fathership can be tiresome as well :D)


W:O:A Metalmaster
4 Juli 2006
A crazy men's Utopia
Quark schrieb:
Be aware. During "resting hours" the door bell won't work, and knocking on windows either. During those hours it'll be RESTING HOURS FOR ALL OF US!!! :D (yes fathership can be tiresome as well :D)

who says we will knock on the window, we will knock through the window!

But how much rest do you think you will get with a newborn? Changing diapers every hour, crying for food, crying for a clean diaper, taking care of the baby ánd the mother. No rest for you :p

totally off topic
I wanted to check the spelling on the word diaper, so I googled it, and the first site you'll get is a site for people with a diaper fetish :eek: