Ex-Nerd coming of age

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W:O:A Metalmaster
9 Juli 2002
Mölndal, Sweden
gnoff schrieb:
In Sweden buying a bottle at "Systembolaget" to take home with you, a beer at 33 cl ranges from 1€ to 3€ depending on wich quality you want.

Allthough purchasing beer out at a pub is different.

Bottles range from 2€ to 15€.

Draught (40 cl/pint) range from 2€ to 6€.

All depending on place and quality (how rare etc) of beer.


W:O:A Metalmaster
4 Feb. 2003
be yourself!!

or the manowar will kill a poseur :D

you dont have to be drunk to be a metalhead ;)
but it is a wise option :D


W:O:A Metalhead
Quark schrieb:
I have a lot of experience being a foreigner here. It's not so bad. People see you as "one of us" as long as you adapt.

I was speaking as a matter of law. If I commit a crime, I'm basically out based on my understanding. I waited too long to leave this land to have it spoiled if I decided a fight was in order based on a beer-based judgement...


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Alrek schrieb:
I was speaking as a matter of law. If I commit a crime, I'm basically out based on my understanding. I waited too long to leave this land to have it spoiled if I decided a fight was in order based on a beer-based judgement...
So am I. I'm in the advantage of being in the EC, but I'm stil a foreigner in this country. I'm Dutch, livin' in Belgium. Officially this makes me a foreigner.

And if it wasn't for my mariage I'd probably have to leave 'cause of "no own income" or shit like that. Thank goodness my wife is Belgian.


W:O:A Metalhead
7 Aug. 2002
Avesta, Sweden
Alrek schrieb:
I was speaking as a matter of law. If I commit a crime, I'm basically out based on my understanding. I waited too long to leave this land to have it spoiled if I decided a fight was in order based on a beer-based judgement...
You'd hardly get expelled for drunken brawling. You probably have to kill someone first. Besides, as there are NATO bases in Norway, everybody is probably used to drunken yanks anyway. Also, in Scandinavian countries, foreigners from English-speaking countries are generally held in high regard, as everybody wants to flash their brilliant grasp of the language. Then, again, these days they'll probably use this brilliant grasp of English to hold you personally responsible for the Iraq war.


W:O:A Metalhead
mugabe schrieb:
You'd hardly get expelled for drunken brawling. You probably have to kill someone first. Besides, as there are NATO bases in Norway, everybody is probably used to drunken yanks anyway. Also, in Scandinavian countries, foreigners from English-speaking countries are generally held in high regard, as everybody wants to flash their brilliant grasp of the language. Then, again, these days they'll probably use this brilliant grasp of English to hold you personally responsible for the Iraq war.

Now that you say that, I'm scared I'd use it to defend myself to such a degree they wish to hold me accountable by other means. I said earlier I protested the thing in '03 and voted for the other guy in '04...I do what I can :(


W:O:A Metalhead
7 Aug. 2002
Avesta, Sweden
Hey, you even left the country as a protest, right? ;)

I think you worry too much. Norwegians are a rather happy-go-lucky bunch of people. It's not like you're moving to Finland.


W:O:A Metalmaster
15 Aug. 2002
Website besuchen
Most americans living in europe get along very well with the people. People generally love americans as long as they are not rednecks. Scandinavians are in general so liberal that one doesn't have any problems at all - except for that tendency to being so fucking liberal that it comes across as being quite conservative. Hard to explain, but you will understand it once you live there.

Opinions you might want to culture as an adopted norwegian:

1. Fishing is great. The bigger the fish, the better. And no, whales are no mammals.
2. Slaughtering cute baby seals is an old tradition and therefore good.
3. It is cool to have a king as long as you don't notice him.
4. Fjords aren't cliffs. In fact, there is no connection at all, except that both lie close to the sea and consist mainly of rock.
5. Burn a church now and then, it is considered a good custom nowadays.


W:O:A Metalhead
monochrom schrieb:
Most americans living in europe get along very well with the people. People generally love americans as long as they are not rednecks. Scandinavians are in general so liberal that one doesn't have any problems at all - except for that tendency to being so fucking liberal that it comes across as being quite conservative. Hard to explain, but you will understand it once you live there.

Opinions you might want to culture as an adopted norwegian:

1. Fishing is great. The bigger the fish, the better. And no, whales are no mammals.
2. Slaughtering cute baby seals is an old tradition and therefore good.
3. It is cool to have a king as long as you don't notice him.
4. Fjords aren't cliffs. In fact, there is no connection at all, except that both lie close to the sea and consist mainly of rock.
5. Burn a church now and then, it is considered a good custom nowadays.

I'll keep that in mind, thanks :p