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W:O:A Metalmaster
25 Mai 2013
But I am doch the most fantastic withworker they have! Why don't give them me mindestens 5 free days in the weak!? :confused::(

But we too ever, I'm gönning you naturally your free day! :)
Go-sneeze it! :)

Have you addwhat specially four or do you want to endspunn on the couch?

Edge-ently, I wollte something in my home doon, but than, I hung here fest. :rolleyes: But I gleich try again to go away. *forspeak*

As I red this this tomorrow I head a laughtandrop and my collegs watchted a bit verdriven in the field.

Yes, this fred is so good to become good lown. :D


W:O:A Metalgod
13 Juli 2011
Edge-ently, I wollte something in my home doon, but than, I hung here fest. :rolleyes: But I gleich try again to go away. *forspeak*

Yes, this fred is so good to become good lown. :D

This idea with that "away going" gofalls me not so good. :(
I think it is more sensefuller when you blyb hear to write some shice! :o

Yes, this is stimming! :)
My lown was today morning not so well but now laugh I all the time. :)
Ifwell this fred yes already is a little bit albern, can this sine? :D


W:O:A Metalmaster
17 Aug. 2010
Bei Erlangen
This idea with that "away going" gofalls me not so good. :(
I think it is more sensefuller when you blyb hear to write some shice! :o

Yes, this is stimming! :)
My lown was today morning not so well but now laugh I all the time. :)
Ifwell this fred yes already is a little bit albern, can this sine? :D

Noooo!!! This is a very ernst Fred and the unterhalting is on a high niveau! :mad:


W:O:A Metalmaster
25 Mai 2013
This idea with that "away going" gofalls me not so good. :(
I think it is more sensefuller when you blyb hear to write some shice! :o

Yes, this is stimming! :)
My lown was today morning not so well but now laugh I all the time. :)
Ifwell this fred yes already is a little bit albern, can this sine? :D

But no! We are just al little albearn, that must ook mal sine. :D

Ts ts ts...that´s typisch you...:D

Why that then? Understand I not. :angel: