English for Runaway

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W:O:A Metalgod
18 Sep. 2008
wenn the english people hier leasen, she thinking this german people have the head is broken . :o


W:O:A Metalgod
13 Juli 2011
Good mourning all together!
Here was yes goose beautiful unfaithful feel loose, yesterday evening! :eek:
I'm there and away! :eek::cool:

Normi and Hämmerchen, you have scho aweng an Badscher, or? :D
Very beautiful is your Denglish!:o:ugly:

Thank you very many! :)
And you have right: we don't have all lads on the fence. :)
(For all Normi, naturally! But say her this not. She would this warshinely sea different. ;):))

A Badscher comes from fränkisch, woll?:o
Means you have aweng an Schlag! If you now what I mean. Öber this is liebevoll gemeant. ;)

Also I can read all that you write, this bassd scho!:o:D

While you have offpassed in school and have learned all your English-kram! :o
Very lobensworth! :)

all your english is very well. i have to look me something up. :o
for my holiday in the black metal country

Oh, you want to Norwayen goes, stimmts? :)
How fantastic ist this!? :cool:

when you holidays make will, i can beforebeat you as alternative the black wood, a very heavenly region in Germanland


i will make holidays in norway not in deutschländ.
some vorschläge?

Ah, known I it doch! :o
There I knee was in Norwayen, I can ladder not help you. Does me sorry. :(

Yes she has one wall free english. Maybe she nimms you as after-help-pupil to tietsch you better. :)

How gyle! :D:D:D

You must on all falls talk with Hämmerchen, he is very idearich to find the right words. :o:D

Oh thank you! I werde noch goose red... :o:)

o, thank you for the flowers. But I are whole new here and be too very thankpub for help!

But what other: it´s so randy :p:D:):):):): My daughter has today her Mastersstudyplace in Munich became!!!!!!

:D (By "thankpub" had I tofirst overlay for a moment what that mean could. :D)

Heartly luckwish to your daughter, unknownwise! :cool:


I must me so together tear, that I don't write in this stil in the other freds. :rolleyes::D

How say you that!? This fred is the best way to verpig yourself your English. :D

You all have mighty one an the waffel! :o:D:D

This has nobody beautifuller say could! :cool:
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


W:O:A Metalmaster
25 Mai 2013
Good mourning all together!
Here was yes goose beautiful unfaithful feel loose, yesterday evening! :eek:
I'm there and away! :eek::cool:

Thank you very many! :)
And you have right: we don't have all lads on the fence. :)
(For all Normi, naturally! But say her this not. She would this warshinely sea different. ;):))

You too a wonderful good morning.

I think we all give us nothing, what that affects. And it's really schwer to find out, who is the most beclapt here. :o

Have I you schon said, that today is my free day? :p:D


W:O:A Metalgod
13 Juli 2011
Good people, who do their work ordently, earn a free day every week. :cool::angel:

Now you can about this afterthink...:o:p:D

But I am doch the most fantastic withworker they have! Why don't give them me mindestens 5 free days in the weak!? :confused::(

But we too ever, I'm gönning you naturally your free day! :)
Go-sneeze it! :)

Have you addwhat specially four or do you want to endspunn on the couch?