English for Runaway

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W:O:A Metalgod
13 Juli 2011

This was awesome, auch when it's not the right yeartime.

Hämmerchen, have you mitbecome, that some users are not amused above this spam-fred? :confused::(


Yes, so bywalky (!?). :D

I can't understand this holding. Where this doch so a wonderbeautiful Fred is! Also, I find it sir funny and lusty.
I could always throw myself away about all this shice we shribe hear. :D


W:O:A Metalmaster
25 Mai 2013
Yes, so bywalky (!?). :D

I can't understand this holding. Where this doch so a wonderbeautiful Fred is! Also, I find it sir funny and lusty.
I could always throw myself away about all this shice we shribe hear. :D

Yes, teilwise, I'm lought laughing about the wordcreations, that are to read hier.

if you mean mich, so i habe to tell you youre nicht understand it richtig.
it was only a vergleichung to the othe scheiss :o ;););)

No, I didn't especially meinte you. It was the allgemeine Haltung von some users about spam-freds.

But in one point, I muss widerspeaken: We don't write shice!!! :o:D


W:O:A Metalmaster
5 Apr. 2005
zuhause in Niedersachsen

In this forum gives it shice!? :eek::confused:

Make things! :eek:

Who then? :confused:


Yes, teilwise, I'm lought laughing about the wordcreations, that are to read hier.

No, I didn't especially meinte you. It was the allgemeine Haltung von some users about spam-freds.

But in one point, I muss widerspeaken: We don't write shice!!! :o:D

oh schur you nicht written shice i see:o :p

Oh, what for a beautiful foto. :cool:

At the last whynightsmarket was a dixi-closet that was noch more shittyer than this one. :Puke:

i´m so entsorry i himmel not found dose old pickers of old Wacken shitty dixi problem :D


W:O:A Metalgod
13 Juli 2011
Yes, teilwise, I'm lought laughing about the wordcreations, that are to read hier.

Don't forget our sensational grammar, dee yes too very cool is! :o

No, I didn't especially meinte you. It was the allgemeine Haltung von some users about spam-freds.

Hm... if they're nidish, because they don't know such a perfect English we were?

But in one point, I muss widerspeaken: We don't write shice!!! :o:D



W:O:A Metalgod
13 Juli 2011


W:O:A Metalmaster
25 Mai 2013
oh schur you nicht written shice i see:o :p

i´m so entsorry i himmel not found dose old pickers of old Wacken shitty dixi problem :D

*ups* You must not immer so genau readen! :o

This pictures wollen we not see anymore...:Puke:

Don't forget our sensational grammar, dee yes too very cool is! :o

This is naturely the allerbest of all! And I tell you: this grammar is for german people better to understand. It would hier kinen geben, who don't understand what we mean. :o:D


W:O:A Metalgod
13 Juli 2011
*ups* You must not immer so genau readen! :o

This pictures wollen we not see anymore...:Puke:

This is naturely the allerbest of all! And I tell you: this grammar is for german people better to understand. It would hier kinen geben, who don't understand what we mean. :o:D

Oußer, he knows even not this overraging English we anshinend the most other users in this forum! :o