English for Runaway

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W:O:A Metalgod
4 März 2004
Sure, I have this understood! :mad: But you don't understand what I meen with "stichword", I think! :o:D

And now, we polish our great English, woll...äh...well? :D
Öber Hallo!:o
I laugh me here scho wieder verreckt, cause of this very bescheuert Language!:D



W:O:A Metalgod
13 Juli 2011
I see scho, you have many Fun of this!:o:D

You have so right. I find this English-Talkery very lusty and joke... äh... ...ish.

I think, this ist the stichword, to hol up the other fred :o:D
Öber this has doch nix to do with the other Fred, woll? :o Or have you this not unterstanden?:confused::p

I throw myself away! :D:D:D *umkeep*

How can you sagen, that this is a bescheuert language!? :eek: We all wissen: Es goes nothing ohne it! :ugly:

So is it namely! :o