Öber this has doch nix to do with the other Fred, woll?
Öber this has doch nix to do with the other Fred, woll?Or have you this not unterstanden?
Öber Hallo!Sure, I have this understood!But you don't understand what I meen with "stichword", I think!
And now, we polish our great English, woll...äh...well?![]()
Öber Hallo!
I laugh me here scho wieder verreckt, cause of this very bescheuert Language!
Verständigung for all over the World, you mean?How can you sagen, that this is a bescheuert language!?We all wissen: Es goes nothing ohne it!
Verständigung for all over the World, you mean?![]()
Rück together! Very Beautiful!Sure! Immerhin is this a global net-welt, that rück together.Or don't you use welt-weit-web?
I see scho, you have many Fun of this!
Öber this has doch nix to do with the other Fred, woll?Or have you this not unterstanden?
How can you sagen, that this is a bescheuert language!?We all wissen: Es goes nothing ohne it!
I throw myself away!*umkeep*
head -->table
I laugh me scheckig!![]()
Yes, we are shon a very wizzish howfen, here!
What issen a Wizzish Howfen?You have so right!![]()
What issen a Wizzish Howfen?
Okay, have this never before ghört.So addwhat like a funny bunch or a funny crew, sowhat we this hold, know you?![]()