Doubts cast over the future of Wacken!

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11 Nov. 2009
If the thread starter will be so kind, to reviel this source.....
Name, address and location please. (and date of birth)

My information came via an employee who works within one of the larger German News and Media Cooperations, she received this information through an internal email within the organization.
I am from Denmark. If I hear anymore about this, I'll be sure to let you know.


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
My information came via an employee who works within one of the larger German News and Media Cooperations, she received this information through an internal email within the organization.
I am from Denmark. If I hear anymore about this, I'll be sure to let you know.

Which is also not reliable as you speak, but an INTERNAL mail.
I could've sent that mail and no one would know.

In other words, the ONLY reliable source is the Wacken organisation itself! Not some intern mail from some other so called organisation which happened to be (or not) a news agency or whatsoever.

And SHOULD I want to know such things, I prefer the Dithmarscher Zeitung (f.ex) as a soure than a "foreign" newspaper. (locals are always better informed)

Thanks anyways for posting.


W:O:A Metalmaster
11 Juli 2008
Genau so zuverlässig wie du! :p


If I tell something i keep care that it's knowledgeable.;)

And you'd better read the "Norddeutsche Rundschau", that's the biggest newspaper for Steinburg.

Remember: He's danish. I don't think that a Dithmarscher would sell him a newspaper. :D:D:D:D


Super Moderator
Just had this worrying email sent to me from a very reliable source:

The organizers of the Wacken music festival last night warned that it could be reaching the end of the road, despite record ticket sales in 2009.
Contractual problems and a failure to secure big names for 2010 have cast a shadow over the future of the festival, although the organizers say that they are "fairly confident" the show will continue for 2010 at least.

Kind of makes you wonder why there's been no band announcements recently.
Very worrying:confused:
