Dong Open Air 2011 - § 328 II Nr. 3 StGB

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W:O:A Metalgod
22 Juni 2005
Almere, Holland
How did you get that impression anyways? :D Already skipped a year before. Though Dong is great, but I was told that other festival was better

then it's probably holly and metalcamp...

though I was convinced you'd be comming back to dong, I think you've told me.
then again... I tend to remember things that may or may not have happend.. like that incident during a 90's party a few weeks ago... :eek:


W:O:A Metalgod
19 März 2007
then it's probably holly and metalcamp...

though I was convinced you'd be comming back to dong, I think you've told me.
then again... I tend to remember things that may or may not have happend.. like that incident during a 90's party a few weeks ago... :eek:

I'll be coming back to Dong then some other year, even if I didn't promise you ;)

But yea, that'd be really possible. Should get a Dong ticket then anyways in case Holly can't make it to Europe at all.


W:O:A Metalmaster
13 März 2009
I'll be coming back to Dong then some other year, even if I didn't promise you ;)

But yea, that'd be really possible. Should get a Dong ticket then anyways in case Holly can't make it to Europe at all.

I won't be making it to Europe this year unless I somehow win the lottery (which, I play on average once every six months). Odds of finding a job that doesn't require one to become a zombie without a life due to a rotating shift is seeming more and more unlikely. :)