MetalCommando schrieb:i am drinking apple fanta with vodca and blasting some priest
Zombi schrieb:bit early in the day, don't ya think?
Warthog schrieb:Damn man! It's never too early!
This from someone who's been to what, three Wackens?
Zombi schrieb:four...
i know...i'm ashamed i said it..
MetalCommando schrieb:where in the hell do you see love?
MrHellRaiser schrieb:this whole topic reeks with love ! love between Ivy and the rest of the forum of course !
MetalCommando schrieb:i am drinking apple fanta with vodca and blasting some priest
Zombi schrieb:MetalCommando used to drink? early in the morning too?
MetalCommando schrieb:i am drinking apple fanta with vodca and blasting some priest
why notMetalCommando schrieb:love sucks anyway
let's all get drunk and have irrelevant sex