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Prinzessin Amok

W:O:A Metalhead
11 Aug. 2009
Was trinkst denn du für komisches Bier?
"Survivor Type" is written as the diary of a disgraced surgeon, Richard Pine (real name Richard Pinzetti), who, while attempting to smuggle a large amount of heroin on a cruise ship, finds himself marooned on a tiny island in the Pacific with very limited supplies and no food. A self-proclaimed "survivor" type, his diary entries documenting his day to day activities become more and more disjointed and raving (similar to the writing technique used in Flowers for Algernon), revealing his slow mental decay and eventual insanity caused by starvation, isolation, and drug use. Determined to hold out for rescue, he goes to horrifying lengths to survive. After breaking his ankle while attempting to draw attention to himself when he sees a plane passing by, he amputates his foot, then realizes he has to eat it to survive. He continues to amputate his own limbs to use as a food source, ingesting the heroin for anesthesia during the operations. His last few diary entries, barely comprehensible, indicate he has cut off and eaten everything below his waist, as well as his ears, and drools uncontrollably as he ponders which body part to consume next. The diary entries end when he cuts off his left hand to eat. ("lady fingers they taste like lady fingers").

Der Typ hat se doch nicht mehr alle.


W:O:A Metalmaster
2 Juli 2010
Stephen King ist ein Gott, ich meine den Charakter.
Ich halte das eigentlich für eine sehr zutreffende Studie zum Thema "Whuee Drogä". :o
So, hab mir mal wieder ne Schachtel Black Devil genehmigt. <3 Das ist Liebe. Ehrlich.
Ich brauch diesen Film.