W:O:A Metalmaster
Originally posted by klistnos
hmm ok lets make the country list larger I'm coming from israel
next year I want wacken to move to israel lol we will do it in the desert or something hehehe we will call it:"negev open air" LOL
or better we can make it in the west bank lol then we will have shooting and other cool stuff.
when wacken will move to israel then you can know that the world gone crazy, not that whats happening now is really sane but...
lol, Wacken in the desert?...it would be a festival of attrition, just to see who could make it to the last band without passing out.
as for the west bank...it's too hard to dodge bullets when you're drunk.

Maybe they should move Wacken to Baghdad and feature a reunion set by Iraqi thrash legends "Weapons of Mass Destruction"...the band so cult and underground that even American and British allied military forces can't find them.