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W:O:A Metalmaster
29 Mai 2002
Washington D.C., USA
Originally posted by Brat

ok, so the big question is WHY THE FUCK has no one done a metal of this song!!!??!!?? \m/

all I could find mention of is a Primus version of it. :rolleyes: I know that's gotta suck hard, but I'm gonna try downloading it anyway.


okay, I downloaded 1 minute of it and it DOES suck. :mad:


Originally posted by monochrom
To kill the last of my little credibility (what you sayin' that happened the first time I posted?:D) - I'm quite a fan of bluegrass and country actually.

Does anyone know Country Dick Montana? Quite a fan of his "Indigo Rider" album.

I've heard the name, but I don't anything about him. Will investigate.

I've been getting into bluegrass and *real* counry lately. Ricky Skaggs, Earl Scruggs, Marty Robbins, Johnny Horton, the real stuff. That's real American music right there. And CCR is damn near sacred to me. Never liked pop country...all that truck-driving, wife-leaving, PBR-drinking, gawd-fearing, sister-fucking shit that fat 'necks listen to.

Hank Williams III is fucking excellent though...he's what I'd call "thrash country" :D

Metal 808

3 März 2003
Honolulu, Hawaii
Website besuchen
4 days to go!

In just 4 days I will depart from my home in Hawaii and begin my 27 hour journey to Hamburg. It will be my 1st time at the mighty WOA and I am very anxious to enjoy one huge metal party with my Metal brethren from all over the world. If you see a guy with a hat with "HAWAII" on it, it's probably me, come on over and say hello! See you there!!!



W:O:A Metalmaster
9 Juli 2002
Mölndal, Sweden
Re: 4 days to go!

Originally posted by Metal 808
In just 4 days I will depart from my home in Hawaii and begin my 27 hour journey to Hamburg. It will be my 1st time at the mighty WOA and I am very anxious to enjoy one huge metal party with my Metal brethren from all over the world. If you see a guy with a hat with "HAWAII" on it, it's probably me, come on over and say hello! See you there!!!


Have a safe trip and see you there!


W:O:A Metalmaster
15 Aug. 2002
Website besuchen
Originally posted by Warthog
all I could find mention of is a Primus version of it. :rolleyes: I know that's gotta suck hard, but I'm gonna try downloading it anyway.


okay, I downloaded 1 minute of it and it DOES suck. :mad:


I've heard the name, but I don't anything about him. Will investigate.

I've been getting into bluegrass and *real* counry lately. Ricky Skaggs, Earl Scruggs, Marty Robbins, Johnny Horton, the real stuff. That's real American music right there. And CCR is damn near sacred to me. Never liked pop country...all that truck-driving, wife-leaving, PBR-drinking, gawd-fearing, sister-fucking shit that fat 'necks listen to.

Hank Williams III is fucking excellent though...he's what I'd call "thrash country" :D

Hank Williams is brilliant. :D

Gotta check out the others you mentioned, you try to get your hands on some Hoyt Axton - Fat man with a beautiful voice. :D


W:O:A Metalmaster
29 Mai 2002
Washington D.C., USA
Re: 4 days to go!

Originally posted by Metal 808
In just 4 days I will depart from my home in Hawaii and begin my 27 hour journey to Hamburg. It will be my 1st time at the mighty WOA and I am very anxious to enjoy one huge metal party with my Metal brethren from all over the world. If you see a guy with a hat with "HAWAII" on it, it's probably me, come on over and say hello! See you there!!!


Damn straight! Enjoy the flight (or at least try!) We'll look for you, be sure to try and find the forum camp! :D


5 Apr. 2003
Website besuchen
Re: 4 days to go!

Originally posted by Metal 808
In just 4 days I will depart from my home in Hawaii and begin my 27 hour journey to Hamburg. It will be my 1st time at the mighty WOA and I am very anxious to enjoy one huge metal party with my Metal brethren from all over the world. If you see a guy with a hat with "HAWAII" on it, it's probably me, come on over and say hello! See you there!!!


Hope you'll have a good flight. and I'll look out for that HAT ! :)
just don't forget wearing it !!
so see you on wacken open air !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


W:O:A Metalhead
9 Juni 2003
Website besuchen
Re: 4 days to go!

Originally posted by Metal 808
In just 4 days I will depart from my home in Hawaii and begin my 27 hour journey to Hamburg. It will be my 1st time at the mighty WOA and I am very anxious to enjoy one huge metal party with my Metal brethren from all over the world. If you see a guy with a hat with "HAWAII" on it, it's probably me, come on over and say hello! See you there!!!


Hmz, better not wear the hat man, there could be a huge wind blowing over. So maybe we'll see somebody running after his hat. That would be you.



6 Dez. 2002
Las Vegas, USA
Website besuchen
Coming from Las Vegas

My total distance is about 6500 miles (if I were lucky enough to fly in a straight line). I have to start in Las Vegas, then Los Angeles, San Francisco, to Frankfurt, then Hamburg. 22 hours on planes/in airports.

Any one even farther out?


29 Juni 2003
Website besuchen
hmm ok lets make the country list larger I'm coming from israel
next year I want wacken to move to israel lol we will do it in the desert or something hehehe we will call it:"negev open air" LOL
or better we can make it in the west bank lol then we will have shooting and other cool stuff:D.
when wacken will move to israel then you can know that the world gone crazy, not that whats happening now is really sane but...

Metal 808

3 März 2003
Honolulu, Hawaii
Website besuchen
Re: Coming from Las Vegas

Originally posted by metal71
My total distance is about 6500 miles (if I were lucky enough to fly in a straight line). I have to start in Las Vegas, then Los Angeles, San Francisco, to Frankfurt, then Hamburg. 22 hours on planes/in airports.

Any one even farther out?

Hello metal71, I'm traveling from Hawaii, don't know the total miles but it will take 4 flights and 27 hours total. Hawaii to LA, LA to New York, NY to London, London to Hamburg. See ya there ! \m/