Der "alles ist scheisse" Thread

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W:O:A Metalhead
6 Nov. 2002
Nexus von Sominus
Website besuchen
Super-GAU!:( Kacke!!! Ich zitier mal Anathema:
No don´t leave me here
the dream carries on inside
I know that it can´t be the same
last moments blown away tonight
mankind with your heresy, can´t you see that this is killing me
there´s no one in this life to be here with me at my side!

Klingt übertrieben, schildert aber perfekt meinen Gemütszustand.

@Wolfpack & Falki: Wie lange wusstet ihr Bescheid???

Ich hasse es,ich hasse es,ich hasse es!!!Fuck,FUCK,FUCK!!!
Scheisse ich will und ich kann nicht mehr!!!
Naja, wie gesagt ich halte so ein Forum immer noch zu unpersönlich um mit solchen (meinen jetzigen) Problemen hausieren zu gehen.Ich werde nichts ausplaudern, und hoffe die, die Bescheid wissen eben so wenig!Ich wollte, wie gesagt, nur etwas Frust abbauen! *sichüberjedenehrlichenaufbaupostfreut*


W:O:A Metalmaster
28 Dez. 2001

ich hab so ne phasen auch oft... aber irgendwann kommt immer irgendwas, was einen wieder aufheitert auch wenns nur kleinigkeiten sind. und wenns wirklich um ne beziehung geht und dich das so kaputt macht, dann ist es das nicht wert, glaub mir, bin da auch schon durch...


W:O:A Metalhead
6 Nov. 2002
Nexus von Sominus
Website besuchen
Original geschrieben von Legolas

ich hab so ne phasen auch oft... aber irgendwann kommt immer irgendwas, was einen wieder aufheitert auch wenns nur kleinigkeiten sind. und wenns wirklich um ne beziehung geht und dich das so kaputt macht, dann ist es das nicht wert, glaub mir, bin da auch schon durch...
Danke ist sehr lieb von dir, aber es ist soo beschissen abgelaufen!!!


W:O:A Metalhead
12 Sep. 2002
Original geschrieben von Legolas
ich hab so ne phasen auch oft... aber irgendwann kommt immer irgendwas, was einen wieder aufheitert auch wenns nur kleinigkeiten sind.
Ich hab das auch gerade... Die erwähnten Kleinigkeiten lassen aber diesmal ziemlich auf sich warten... Zur Zeit bin ich nur von jedem Mist in irgendeiner Art und Weise genervt...


W:O:A Metalhead
12 Sep. 2002
Original geschrieben von Frostgrinder
Ich fürchte es wird mir seehr lange genauso gehen!
Mir geht's jetzt fast 2 Wochen so... Jedes Mal wenn ich versuche n bisschen aus dem Abgrund rauszukrabbeln kommt irgendein Arsch und tritt mich wieder meterweit hinein... :(


W:O:A Metalmaster
26 Nov. 2001
(ehem.Ruhrpott) Düsseldorf
Kopf hoch....

Mach dir ruhig nen Sampler mit so depri Mucke ..hab ich jedenfalls gemacht wenn es um Frauengeschichten ging ein paar Klassiker sind/waren z.b.
Kicked in the teeth again -AC/DC
Two faced woman with your two faced lies
I hope your two faced living made you satisfied
Tell me baby I was your only one
While you've been running around town with every mother's son

Told your story about the women like you
Told your story about the things you do
I used to think that you were sugar and spice
I should've listened to my mother's advice

Kicked in the teeth again
Sometimes you lose, sometimes you win
Kicked in the teeth again
Ain't this misery ever gonna end?
And I've been kicked in the teeth
Kicked in the teeth again

Two faced woman, such a crying shame
Don't know nothing, you're all the same
You run around, hope you had your fun
You never know who's gonna win till the race been run

(I Won't) Pay Your Price -Motörhead

Move out it's time for someone else
Quit thinking only of yourself,
You know you're a nasty piece of work,
You know you thought you were a hero but
you're really just a jerk,
On my way, you know I Won't Pay Your Price

Don't stop me dontcha even try,
Gonna stick my finger in your eye,
You don't deserve my admiration,
And I'll sling you out the window
if you give me aggravation,
On my way, you know I Won't Pay Your Price

I'm tired of listening to crap,
I'd rather stab you in the back,
I'm telling you the only real reason that
you ain't got it is 'cos skunk is outta season,
On my way, you know I Won't Pay Your Price

Shut the door behind you when you go,
Why you're still here I don't really know,
I'm gonna count up to three and if you're still here
I'll get a gun and blow away your knees,
On my way, you know I Won't Pay Your Price
Sweet Revenge

Hello victims!

I can almost taste it,
It's the need to see you die,
You thought you had it made,
Well here's your final shock surprise,
How do you like it,
My unfaithful friend?
How do you like it?
How do you like my Sweet Revenge?

Turn the key in the door,
No one close to hear you scream,
You'll never imagine the pain,
Even in you're foulest dreams,
How do you like that
Invitation friend?
How do you like that?
That's what I call my Sweet Revenge

So sweet to see you,
Writhe and crawl and scream for life,
But I can't listen now,
I'm too busy with the knife,
I don't hear you laughing,
My dismembered friend,
I don't hear you laughing,
You don't like my Sweet Revenge
Zum Aufbauen:
1. Rock 'n' Roll -Motörhead

Well here, babe, look at you, and you with someone else,
Turned out like all the others, leave me by myself,
That's how it works I guess, and you like all the rest
Guess I can handle it, if that's the way it is

'Cos I'm in love with rock 'n' roll, satisfies my soul
If that's how it has to be, I won't get mad
I got rock 'n' roll, to save me from the gold
And if that's all there is, it ain't so bad
Rock 'n' roll

I never been a one to have no steady girl,
I love the way I live, runnin' round the world
I like to fool around, love to tear 'em down
And if I leave, you love to miss me when I'm gone


I can't imagine growin' old with anyone
Marching to a different drum, I hear a different song
I swear I love 'em all, I don't care if they're small
I don't care if they're tall, love 'em anyway

Heart Of Stone-Motörhead

You seem to think that it's a game
I wish I could recall your name
You tell me how I should behave
Sling your hook I ain't your slave

Leave me alone
Get off the phone
I've got a heart of stone

You play emotional roulette
I ain't seen no winners yet
You know you're dancing in the dark
Stay away, I ain't your mark

Leave me alone
Get off the phone
I've got a heart of stone

In every game you hold the ace
But you ain't even in my race
You'll never realise just why
It's just been hello goodbye

Leave me alone
Get off the phone
I've got a heart of stone

Und zum schluss nicht vergessen andere Mütter haben auch hübsche töchter..

The Chase Is Better Than The Catch

You know I'm bad, the times I've had,
I've got a bad reputation,
I don't care, I get my share,
Don't feel no deprivation,
The more I get the better it is,
I like it fine, like a little whizz,
Treat 'em like ladies, that's a fact,
You know The Chase Is Better Than The Catch

Silver tounged devil, demon lech,
You know just what I'm doing,
I like a little innocent bitch,
You know I ain't just screwing,
I love you baby, love you too much,
I like it fine, I feel your touch,
But your appearance don't hold no class,
You know The Chase Is Better Than The Catch

A little beauty, I love you madly,
Come on home with me,
I know you're hot, I know what you've got,
You know I want to shake your tree,
Come on honey, touch me right there,
Come on honey, don't you get scared,
Come on honey, let me get you in the sack,
You know The Chase Is Better Than The Catch

All right! Let me hear ya!
I can't hear ya!


W:O:A Metalmaster
28 Dez. 2001
I Hate - End Of Green

Its coming down all over me can't feel no love tonight
it is so sweet i loose everything im lost in my mind
this life is sick i dont know why
I hate mysielf i want to die
i hate myself
Jesus can you listen to me my jeramaid my ray of light
there is no way of any hope
sun and moon will never shine i can't go on i apologize
there is no way of any hope
this life is sick i don't know why
I hate myself i want to die...

Only One - End Of Green

You are the only one that i ever loved
you are the only one that i ever lost
Dead beautiful romance still sleeps on cold ground a never ending long way
to reach your arms the light can no longer shine emptiness drinking of my
you are the only one still i search for your cold heart grief always embrace
my heart
I remember you are my last love you are the only one
I remember you are my last love cold skin and blue cold lips undying in my
salvation by a deadly kiss
You are the only one....
