Concert Updates!

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Sister Demon

W:O:A Metalhead
28 Nov. 2001
Originally posted by gnoff
At least when it includes getting drunk :D

Yeah, of course! :D
But actually we shouldn`t spam to much into here! ;)

I had a concert update, but I`m the only Swiss person here....
Anyway :

13. October, Z7, Pratteln (Switzerland) : AMON AMARTH!!! :)


W:O:A Metalmaster
9 Juli 2002
Mölndal, Sweden
Originally posted by Sister Demon
Yeah, of course! :D
But actually we shouldn`t spam to much into here! ;)

I had a concert update, but I`m the only Swiss person here....
Anyway :

13. October, Z7, Pratteln (Switzerland) : AMON AMARTH!!! :)

true, lets leave this thread for its purpose.

I'm off for bed anyways, good night.

And go and see Amon Amarth, they are my fav band :)

Sister Demon

W:O:A Metalhead
28 Nov. 2001
Originally posted by gnoff
true, lets leave this thread for its purpose.

I'm off for bed anyways, good night.

And go and see Amon Amarth, they are my fav band :)

They`re also one of my fav bands! And that`s the best concert in Switzerland this year!

Well, I should go to bed, too.
Good night!


W:O:A Metalhead
26 Feb. 2002
Sydney, Australia
Originally posted by Lordwalter
@ Brat: How were they? Did the play real nice gigs? I like the band very much, even though I usually listen to Thrash and Death Metal. But EDGUY are very good for me. Is one of the 2 or 3 power metal bands I like together with RUNNING WILD.

Did you finally get the black german shirt? Did you win against them? Nobody broke their legs? Tell us!!

See you!
Well, I saw them play 2 proper concerts. 1 in Sydney, 1 in Melbourne. They were fabulous. Soon I will have a report online like I wrote 2 years ago with lots of photos.

No, I didn't find the black shirt, so I put my hair (black) in ponytails like an American Indian and had red and yellow bands going down ;)

No, the promoters team won the game :(
The score was Germany 1 - Croatia/Australia 2.
Dirk scored the first goal for Germany very early in the game. They play football very well. Jens mentioned he used to play 2-3 times a week a few years ago.

On Sunday they played on a harbour cruise in Sydney Harbour. It was a great no frills concert. I think they really enjoyed it. I know the crowd did. Then after the harbour cruise we went to a pub that's open 24 hours and just relaxed, talked, drank.

Not only are they a great band, but they're great people too...


W:O:A Metalhead
23 Apr. 2002
Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA
Originally posted by Brat
Well, I saw them play 2 proper concerts. 1 in Sydney, 1 in Melbourne. They were fabulous. Soon I will have a report online like I wrote 2 years ago with lots of photos.

No, I didn't find the black shirt, so I put my hair (black) in ponytails like an American Indian and had red and yellow bands going down ;)

No, the promoters team won the game :(
The score was Germany 1 - Croatia/Australia 2.
Dirk scored the first goal for Germany very early in the game. They play football very well. Jens mentioned he used to play 2-3 times a week a few years ago.

On Sunday they played on a harbour cruise in Sydney Harbour. It was a great no frills concert. I think they really enjoyed it. I know the crowd did. Then after the harbour cruise we went to a pub that's open 24 hours and just relaxed, talked, drank.

Not only are they a great band, but they're great people too...

Ok, thanks for the Information Brat!! I look forward to reading your report!!! :)

Yes, I had the same impression about the band as I met them once in Dortmund, Germany. We spoke about Southamerica and about the possibility for the to play there. Jens was the one who spoke the more with me. After that meeting, I saw them on the first row in a show and Jens recognized me and was very happy!!

EDGUY is a great band. Evenn though I listen to death- and thrash metal the most, i love this power combo. Hope to meet them again soon.

Maybe they ask me to join their team on the next tour. Then we surelly will win the match and kick the promoters asses!! :D :D And then I can bring you the Black Shirt directly from Germany!! :D

Brat, again thanks for your Info. See you in Wacken!!


W:O:A Metalhead
26 Feb. 2002
Sydney, Australia
Originally posted by gnoff
September 24-25
Metal cruise "34,000 tonne Metal"
From Stockholm to Finland and back

Notre Dame
Dream Evil
+one more band

295 swedish crowns (about 30-35 euro)

Info in Swedish:
ahhh Gnoffy!! You always manage to ring me the mornings I come home at about 5.30 after a big band night! :p