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W:O:A Metalhead
26 Feb. 2002
Sydney, Australia
Originally posted by FuckedUpCat
tssss.. and you guys complain about low taxes.. in Sweden you have to pay about 25-30 % on everything you earn and if you earn a shotload as much as up to 50%.....
that sucks!!!!
I used to earn about 13000 SEK and I got about 9000 SEK after taxes......

it's the same in Australia and our goods tax is 10%


W:O:A Metalhead
30 Apr. 2003
Sydney Australia
Website besuchen
Originally posted by Brat
it's the same in Australia and our goods tax is 10%

Was talking to Jen, yesterday, she was really pissed at Bloodlust I heard, hehehe
Jen is going to Prague while over there, but we are plotting our course round germany. Jen wants to do the after party as well so thinkin we should book in hostel like you have.