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W:O:A Metalhead
21 Dez. 2006
I am glad that you don't include the "Finally: BULLET FOR MY VALENTINE!!" post as sensible.


22 Dez. 2006
Ah, a band you don't like has been confirmed for a festival and now you're trying to insult people over the internet.

Maybe Download is the festival for you after all.

I can see absouletly no reason why anyone sane would want to go front row for a band they didn't like to insult them when there are far better things to do. That smacks to me more of a person who should get out more but hey..

Excuse me? For one, I have never been to download, so I honestly cant comment on that- but you seem to know enough about it to make such remarks. As for insults? Ive insulted no-one here, you just strike me as the type that meticulously scrutinises people's posts as if that is the main issue- every forum has one.

The issue here, lets not forget, is not so much the fact that a pop-emo band has been confirmed but that they are being placed in a position of importance over the likes of Immortal et al. One has to question the judgement of the people(s) resoponsible as this decision is somewhat insulting to not only the other bands but the thousands of people who have paid money year after year for what is supposed to be a 'metal' festival.

Sam Przyborowski

W:O:A Metalhead
2 Apr. 2005
Excuse me? For one, I have never been to download, so I honestly cant comment on that- but you seem to know enough about it to make such remarks. As for insults? Ive insulted no-one here, you just strike me as the type that meticulously scrutinises people's posts as if that is the main issue- every forum has one.

The issue here, lets not forget, is not so much the fact that a pop-emo band has been confirmed but that they are being placed in a position of importance over the likes of Immortal et al. One has to question the judgement of the people(s) resoponsible as this decision is somewhat insulting to not only the other bands but the thousands of people who have paid money year after year for what is supposed to be a 'metal' festival.

BFMV are most certainly NOT Emo. They or like it or not a Metal band. A different type of Metal than you obviuosly like. However, the fact remains - they are Metal. Saying otherwise is stupid.

If you've got the time to write huge diatribes when a band you don't like is announced then bully for you.

Me, I'll say they're crap, avoid them when they play and generally move on with my life. I shall be doing the same whenother shite announced bands like Cannibal Corpse and Norther play. Best form of prostest is to not turn up for their set,

Some people need to realise the world doesn't revolve around thier own personal music tastes and grow up. Either that or I'm sure theres probably a festival in some Lithuanians back garden comprising of only kvlt bands.

And that is my last say on the matter.
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W:O:A Metalhead
21 Dez. 2006
In5anity, I would say 'fair enough', but I find it difficult to swallow that people don't care about a big pop-core band being added to the Wacken bill. Fuck man, do you want more of this shit the following year? I know that there is a slew of amazing bands also booked, and yes next year I plan to go and thrash my fucking guts out - but I worry about the future of Wacken.

I have been to Download before and it is total fucking shit. The uneasy mix of metal bands and whatever is popular on Kerrang TV, not to mention the fans, was enough to convince me never to go again. I do not want Wacken to be like that.

I know a few people who were Wacken regulars and are giving up this year, and others who are going to Metal Camp instead. There is no doubt that the booking of an emo band is going to discourage many metal fans, and probably encourage emo kids. If I choose not to care about this, then I choose not to go to Wacken again. I don't want to do that just now.


W:O:A Metalhead
4 Okt. 2005
In5anity, I would say 'fair enough', but I find it difficult to swallow that people don't care about a big pop-core band being added to the Wacken bill. Fuck man, do you want more of this shit the following year? I know that there is a slew of amazing bands also booked, and yes next year I plan to go and thrash my fucking guts out - but I worry about the future of Wacken.

I have been to Download before and it is total fucking shit. The uneasy mix of metal bands and whatever is popular on Kerrang TV, not to mention the fans, was enough to convince me never to go again. I do not want Wacken to be like that.

I know a few people who were Wacken regulars and are giving up this year, and others who are going to Metal Camp instead. There is no doubt that the booking of an emo band is going to discourage many metal fans, and probably encourage emo kids. If I choose not to care about this, then I choose not to go to Wacken again. I don't want to do that just now.

Like Sam said: It's a kind of metal. Metal mixed up with Emo and Core elements. So I know many metalheads also listening to bullet. And I got to say: They've got some really cool riffs. Perhaps I go and watch some of their songs, perhaps I stay at the camp ground, drinking my beer, eating my steak. There were always some bands at Wacken, which aren't 100% metal. Even Motörhead aren't metal, it's Rock 'n Roll. So if there are 2 of 70 non-metal-bands, everything is allright. 2005 there was Oomph! (which actually was a great band...once), last year it was Caliban, now it's Bullet. No fan, who just likes Bullet and doesn't like metal will visit Wacken. Who pays 100€ for one band if it's not the Rolling Stones?!? If Bullet Fans, who also listen to metal are coming, they're welcome like any other metalhead. :)
23 Dez. 2006
Bullshit For my Valentine aren't suited to Wacken at all. They belong at more commercial festivals like Grasspop or Rock Am Ring. I'm all for a diverse bill but one made of good bands with some substance, not some overhyped crap that's just buying into the latest fashions.

BFMV are a combination of everything that's trendy in rock/metal right now, from the Attitude catalogue wardrobe to the "emotive" angsty lyrics and Matt Tuck's abysmal, tone-deaf, Funeral For A Friend style singing. Even the band's name buys into the whole "that bitch dumped me and tore out my heart and now I'm harbouring a childish fantasy about shooting her" concept of crappy MTV emo. Sure they're decent players and the music sounds metal but there's enough emo/core elements in their songs to ruin the whole thing.

What's with their logo being slap bang in the middle of the poster? Did their label just buy this like they did with the Guns N Roses support slot?

Anyway, this isn't going to stop me attending Wacken 2007. There's way too many good bands there. I'm all for BFMV being taken off the bill but since that's probably not gonna happen I say we all just ignore them and leave them to play to an empty field. They're an embarrassment to metal and they don't deserve our attention.


W:O:A Metalhead
13 Mai 2006
Chester, UK
I think the 'let's just ignore them' scenario is going to be about the best we can do. According to the bulletin sent by the Wacken Myspace site ("ignore them, go to the beer tent") the organisers really don't care about our views on this. If they want to drag the good name of Wacken through the mud, let them. There're plenty of other festivals that we can give our attention to in future.
I'm off to Earthshaker Fest 2007, just before Wacken, so it'll be interesting to compare them...at least we've got Immortal to look forward to!!!


W:O:A Metalhead
21 Dez. 2006
In5anity, I guess we're going to have to agree to disagree. I went to their myspace when I heard that they'd been booked to hear what they sounded like, and I found them unlistenable. Describing them as a kind of metal is pretty fucking generous, considering that they sound like exactly the sort of music that is written for 15 year old girls. Fuck, I even read some of their CD reviews on their myspace and every single one was sucking their balls whilst apologising for them not actually being metal - "so catchy your girlfriend will like it, and heavy enough that you might like it" oh yes, that is the testament of a 'modern metal classic'.

You don't think that there will be a problem after Bullet have played, whether the arena is filled with emos or not. Who can say if it will? What we can be sure of is that if they go down well, there will be more of their ilk in the future. Wacken 2008 with Him and AFI? They're a 'kind of metal' (they have guitars and drums, that's all it takes now, eh?).

Purge i'd be interested to read that whole message from the Wacken myspace. I also agree that ignoring them would be best, or atleast a large peaceful display of utter disrespect - the audience walking away, people crowd surfing away from the stage. I don't see if happening though. It will only take a couple of hundred drunk metal heads getting angry and throwing bottles to end it, and I would say that is odds favourite to happen.


28 Nov. 2005
So which one will you be doing?

i agree with you sam saying there going to stand on the front row to the band can hear and then saying they are going to boycott it. that just makes so sense. now for all those people moaning and moaning about bullet for my valentine. go watch another band or do something else while there on.


W:O:A Metalhead
4 Okt. 2005
In5anity, I guess we're going to have to agree to disagree. I went to their myspace when I heard that they'd been booked to hear what they sounded like, and I found them unlistenable. Describing them as a kind of metal is pretty fucking generous, considering that they sound like exactly the sort of music that is written for 15 year old girls. Fuck, I even read some of their CD reviews on their myspace and every single one was sucking their balls whilst apologising for them not actually being metal - "so catchy your girlfriend will like it, and heavy enough that you might like it" oh yes, that is the testament of a 'modern metal classic'.

You don't think that there will be a problem after Bullet have played, whether the arena is filled with emos or not. Who can say if it will? What we can be sure of is that if they go down well, there will be more of their ilk in the future. Wacken 2008 with Him and AFI? They're a 'kind of metal' (they have guitars and drums, that's all it takes now, eh?).

Purge i'd be interested to read that whole message from the Wacken myspace. I also agree that ignoring them would be best, or atleast a large peaceful display of utter disrespect - the audience walking away, people crowd surfing away from the stage. I don't see if happening though. It will only take a couple of hundred drunk metal heads getting angry and throwing bottles to end it, and I would say that is odds favourite to happen.

Ok, lets agree then ;) But: Still they are much harder than Hammerfall and nobody complained about them in 2005 ;)
The argument, that there would be lots of emos because of bullet is the same as if I would say: Because of Immortal there are only black metal guys looking like pandas. So in the end I'm just happy to see Blind Guardian, Haggard, Therion, Moonspell, Amorphis, Letzte Instanz, Samael (they have as well many non-metal elements) and so on and I have to say: Nearly all of my favorite bands are playing in wacken. Only bands missing are Savatage, Kamelot, Dream Theater and Eternal Tears of Sorrow. So why talking about bullet. I had to wait 6 years until I'm able to see Moonspell live ;)


21 Dez. 2006
I agreee that abusing them would be childish but to be honest there's nothing mature about drinking yourself blind and running around in your underwear playing air guitar either. Wacken's not about being grown up and the reason it's always been such a good atmosphere is that everybody is in the same boat. I personally think bringing bands like this to wacken is going to make (incredabley drunk) people who dont care about much because they're having a great time actually care about something. As you can see on this thread there's already a big division between people who would usually get on and that can only mean bad things in the future. Like many, I'm going to be drunk off my face and I will probably act like a prick but i cant see how this would be completely our fault when wacken has put a bunch of usually peaceful drunks in this situation. BFMV are being thrown to the wolves but if they're happy doing it and wacken dont mind losing respect and a some loyal fans I say bring it on. We've all seen it coming and after this year I'm afraid to say I'll seriously consider wacken before going in the future (this year as always I bought my ticket as soon as they went on sale without knowing the full line up. There will always be quality bands playing but when other festivals put these bands on without all the crap I'll most likely find myself at them). Being at a festival isn't just about the bands and the amosphere at wacken is slowly changing. (for the record i feel like a cunt writing all this negative stuff about wacken I've been many times and had some of the best times of my life there and met people who are now really important friends, which is why i think it's important i voice my opinion, i feel a bit betrayed like many)


W:O:A Metalhead
13 Mai 2006
Chester, UK
The myspace bulletin was exactly as follows:

"Don't like Bullet For My Valentine At Wacken?

Don't watch them then.

Go to the Biergarten, go to the Metalmarkt, but don't ruin their set for people who want to watch."

I think if the organisers paid attention to the surveys that they put on the internet after every festival that there would be very few people who actually want BfmV at Wacken...it would be interesting to find out for definite.
By booking BfmV at Wacken the organisers themselves are ruining it for the people who want a good METAL festival (and BfmV certainly isn't a metal band any more than fucking Green Day is a metal band). The people who 'want to watch' their show at Wacken will be very much in the minority...and most of those who do want to watch BfmV probably won't have even heard of the likes of Immortal (let alone Tyr or Moonsorrow)...
It's disgusting that a festival that has waved the flag of metal for years has now shit on the people who have made the festival such a success over the years; the fans.

It's nothing so much to do with the fact that I don't like BfmV's music as the fact that they are NOT a metal band which I have a problem with. They do NOT belong at Wacken. If this is a taste of things to come then I won't be attending in 2008 (as I have said, there's plenty of other festivals out there that we can support).

The final word: Anyone who wants a pure metal festival, who does not want Wacken becoming any more commercial than it has already become, please do EXACTLY as the Wacken team say: Go to the beer garden and leave the festival area empty. Let your feet do the talking.

Ok, lets agree then ;) But: Still they are much harder than Hammerfall and nobody complained about them in 2005 ;)

Harder than Hammerfall is like saying they are harder than 'Insert Power Metal Band here'... fuckin hell...maybe we could get Sum 41 at Wacken too...i mean, they like Judas Priest so they must be metal...

The argument, that there would be lots of emos because of bullet is the same as if I would say: Because of Immortal there are only black metal guys looking like pandas.

But that is what Wacken is all about...notice it's black METAL.

No offense intended In5anity but I had to say something about those comments. Hope you enjoy the festival though! Blind Guardian will rule! :D
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