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W:O:A Metalmaster
21 Juli 2002
Leeds UK
I see this thread with plenty of people being muppets and cant accept it. Why the fuck dont you find something else to do when they are on. ill be drinking mass quantities of beer.

As i said in most major metal fests you are bound to get a few shit acts...underground ones ye dont....:p


W:O:A Metalhead
21 Dez. 2006
Carpathian Wolf, perhaps you need to look deeper at the thoughts you dismiss. It is not a question of finding something else to do whilst a shit band is on - most people here who've said that they hate them have also said that they'll go and do something else, anything else. This band ought to be polar to what Wacken represents (or represented). In fact, to save me writing out the same thing again, just read my last post.

Oh gus i relly hope MCR are confirmed. they should actualy get some good bands at wacken this year, instead of all this screaming, loud, satanic stuff.

That is truly poor quality trolling. Fail.


W:O:A Metalmaster
21 Juli 2002
Leeds UK
Carpathian Wolf, perhaps you need to look deeper at the thoughts you dismiss. It is not a question of finding something else to do whilst a shit band is on - most people here who've said that they hate them have also said that they'll go and do something else, anything else. This band ought to be polar to what Wacken represents (or represented). In fact, to save me writing out the same thing again, just read my last post.

That is truly poor quality trolling. Fail.

Unfortunately commercialism will strike after time at every major metal festival....I dont like it at all but ill find shit to do and whatever we say we cannot change the organisers mind....

One of the reasons i prefer and enjoy smaller metal fests such as keep it true...


W:O:A Metalhead
21 Dez. 2006
Yer Download has been compleetly owned by Bullshit for my valentine and linken bullshit park but Iron maiden and Dragonfoce is a tiny concellation so we are only slightly screwed copaired to them

I disagree. Download is not a proper metal festival and is largely trend, MCR and Linkin Park are exactly the sort of bands i'd expect to play there.


7 Feb. 2007
i think people need to see the larger image here. i personally dont mind BFMV as a band, im a metalhead but am prowd to like all types of metal. However i am unhappy to see BFMV on the wacken lineup for one reason, not because they are 'emo scum and should die' but,

if they do manage to hold thier slot this could spell the downfall for wacken. BFMV this year, but who is gonna play next year? funeral for a friend? MCR?

Wacken has a reputation for being the heavy metal festival and it should stay that way, so BFMV should be taken off the lineup to prevent the calibre of bands going down next year.

But at no time will i allow flaming of BFMV, its pointless and immature. If they are not taken off the lineup i will still be going to the home of metal, but i will be elsewhere when BFMV are onstage. I will be worried for the future though, Donnington monsters of rock died when it tried to get more 'diverse' i dont want to see wacken die aswell


W:O:A Metalhead
3 Jan. 2007
Peterborough, England
if they do manage to hold thier slot this could spell the downfall for wacken. BFMV this year, but who is gonna play next year? funeral for a friend? MCR?

But at no time will i allow flaming of BFMV, its pointless and immature. If they are not taken off the lineup i will still be going to the home of metal, but i will be elsewhere when BFMV are onstage. I will be worried for the future though, Donnington monsters of rock died when it tried to get more 'diverse' i dont want to see wacken die aswell

Probably not as bad as FFAF or MCR, but like someone said before, wouldn't be surprised to see Trivium playing next year..

I think more people should have this kind of attitude towards BFMV playing.. If they do hold their slot and go on to play, and everyone (bar the people who want to see them) has gone to get beer or watch another band, then it'll be a message to the Wacken organisers to never book this kind of band again.


W:O:A Metalhead
3 Jan. 2007
Peterborough, England
if they do manage to hold thier slot this could spell the downfall for wacken. BFMV this year, but who is gonna play next year? funeral for a friend? MCR?

But at no time will i allow flaming of BFMV, its pointless and immature. If they are not taken off the lineup i will still be going to the home of metal, but i will be elsewhere when BFMV are onstage. I will be worried for the future though, Donnington monsters of rock died when it tried to get more 'diverse' i dont want to see wacken die aswell

Probably not as bad as FFAF or MCR, but like someone said before, wouldn't be surprised to see Trivium playing next year..

I think more people should have this kind of attitude towards BFMV playing.. If they do hold their slot and go on to play, and everyone (bar the people who want to see them) has gone to get beer or watch another band, then it'll be a message to the Wacken organisers to never book this kind of band again.


W:O:A Metalhead
3 Jan. 2007
Peterborough, England
if they do manage to hold thier slot this could spell the downfall for wacken. BFMV this year, but who is gonna play next year? funeral for a friend? MCR?

But at no time will i allow flaming of BFMV, its pointless and immature. If they are not taken off the lineup i will still be going to the home of metal, but i will be elsewhere when BFMV are onstage. I will be worried for the future though, Donnington monsters of rock died when it tried to get more 'diverse' i dont want to see wacken die aswell

Probably not as bad as FFAF or MCR, but like someone said before, wouldn't be surprised to see Trivium playing next year..

I think more people should have this kind of attitude towards BFMV playing.. If they do hold their slot and go on to play, and everyone (bar the people who want to see them) has gone to get beer or watch another band, then it'll be a message to the Wacken organisers to never book this kind of band again.


W:O:A Metalhead
3 Jan. 2007
Peterborough, England
Didn't mean to post that 3 times, computer went weird.
And can't figure out how to delete it because, despite being the english forum, the instructions are still "auf deutsch".



12 Feb. 2007
I hope BMFV doesn't survive W:OA 2007. Let's hope these emo c-nts get bottled so hard they leave stage with their brain smashed in.