Böhse onkelz thread

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W:O:A Metalmaster
15 Aug. 2002
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Originally posted by berserkur
they aren't racist at all nowadays that was in 1980-83
now they're to name a few anti... government, corporation, child molestation, MTV, church...
they have a very high opinion of themselves and that irritates slightly me sometimes ...Böhse onkelz immmer wieder and all those phrases

90% of the visitors are german so I see nothing wrong with having a big band singing in german + there are a few international fans of the band

I don´t get it if they still have a skinhead following if so well whatever all people are allowed to attend festivals regardless off their opinions... do you really think there will be riots
I´m sure that many followers of blackmetal bands through the years in Wacken have been racist

of my albums from 88-02 I have not sensed any racist views anywhere

Interesting, that is about the way I feel. I am not a fan, but actually look quite forward to seeing them, as I never would have attended one of their regular concerts. Sure, there may be some additional knobheads at the festival, but I can't imagine it being too bad. As for the neonazi-problem, I totally agree. We already got them at Wacken, they are few but they are not the principal problem of the Onkelz, they are home made problems out of the metal scene.


W:O:A Metalhead
Metal Hammer Mai 2002
So you’re sick and tired of always having to state your position?

Yes, it’s especially frustrating to be depicted in the public as a fascist. I don’t feel like a fascist, have never felt like a fascist. But, I have to put on the shoe, I did and said things that point in that direction. There’s nothing to gloss over there. But do I as a 38-year-old have to keep on explaining what I did as a 16-year-old? I think it’s such a waste of time. I’d rather spend time with my family or play music.
Fortunately not everyone is so pigheaded. We also get positive feedback, so I can easily tune out the rest.

What experiences would you prefer not to have had?

A difficult question. I could have gone without being called a Nazi.

Question: “Do you still threaten to slug concertgoers in the face if they raise their arm in a Hitler salute?”
Stephan: “Our concerts are not political events. We won’t let our concerts be ruined by a horde of fascists. That’s why we react strongly.”
From “BILD” Düsseldorf/ Cologne, 15 May 1999

Stephan: “It’s important for us that our fans know what’s going on, that we don’t sympathize with right-wing ideologies. The leftist camp always acts as if it has a monopoly on morality and has always been on the good side – and from a purely theoretical perspective I don’t want to say they’re wrong, because I find fascism utterly repulsive and fighting it is extremely important.”
from “Mannheimer Morgen”, 01 July 1999

Question: “Your radical right-wing past is still hanging over you…”
Stephan: “We’re now in our mid-thirties and that was all so long ago. We were so young then and stupid and didn’t spend much time thinking about ideologies.”

Question: “Do you still have the kind of national pride that you expressed for example in the song “Deutschland” (Germany) from 1984?
Stephan: “Nowadays we’re only patriots at football matches. People who lack identity hide behind national pride. We want fans to unite behind our music, to offer them another kind of identification.”
From “HNA Sonntagszeit”, 18 October 1998

Question: “What pisses you off more, right-wing or leftist hostilities?”
Stephan: Actually I find the right-wing worse than the left – the left I can sympathize more with. Arguments from the right-wing are fairly stupid.”
From “Animalize”, Oct/Nov ‘98

Question: “Many people don’t know to this day what the ONKELZ did to be so bombarded with criticism. How would you answer that?”
Stephan: “Well, in the early eighties as a punk band we recorded two songs with texts that were xenophobic. But they never appeared on a record, they only existed on a demo tape. Since then we have released nine albums, reappraised the “old stuff” with the German press in the mid-eighties, and thought we were finished with that stuff. Then a few years later when the attacks on foreigners started, the press simply took our old songs and transplanted them into the nineties. That the band had made a 180-degree turn and had repeatedly apologized in public for the “sins of its youth” doesn’t seem to interest anyone.”
from “Tiroler Tageszeitung”, 31 October 1995

Question: “How do you view your past today?”
Stephan: “Not one of us has any desire to play for a bunch of right-wing radicals. Whoever acts the hooligan is thrown out. The right-wing extremist neo-Nazis have long seen us as leftist turncoats, and I don’t mind that at all.”
From “Badisches Tageblatt” Baden-Baden, 4 November 1995

The Böhse Onkelz in the press of 1993:
Gonzo: “The right-wingers hate us because we have never shied away from telling them that they have no business hanging around us. On the contrary, their political views conflict with ours. Every BÖHSE ONKELZ fan knows that the ONKELZ have nothing to do with right-wing radicalism. Right-wing radicals, should a couple of them wander our way, are not allowed in our concerts. Or they will be booted from the concert hall the minute they reveal themselves by chanting their slogans etc.”
from “Aschaffenburger Stadtzeitung”, January 1993

Stephan: “We never saw ourselves as a right-wing band and never felt that we belonged to the right-wing scene.”
from “Animalize” No. 10, October 1991

Question: “Why do you think so many right-wing radicals can relate to your texts?”
Stephan: “There will always be people who are too primitive to correctly understand the sarcasm, the irony in our texts.”
from “Wild Axes”, No. 4, heavy metal magazine, Austria, October/November 1991
Stephan: “Since then we’ve all become a bit more aware. We believe that our only chance as musicians and as political humans is in crossover. There’s no point in setting skinheads against punks, metalheads against hippies, and everyone against everyone else. Instead of fighting ourselves, we should unite against those who repress and oppress us all, against corrupt politicians, environmental destroyers, warmongerers and against a political system that does nothing for the individual.”
From “Metal Hammer”, hard rock magazine, “Böse ja, rechtsradikal nein” by Edgar Klüsener, Munich February 1988
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W:O:A Metalhead
8 Jan. 2003
Near Paris, France
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Don't know them (join the club I guess?) and don't care one way or another:
i.e I'll go see them, if I like it, I'll stay, If I don't, I'll stray (to the beer booth). they're headliner? So what, last year there was some headliners I didn't really care about (Stratovarius) and some that were sub par (slayer anyone?). What I'd like to know is who else is gonna play this year? Is Finntroll going to play again?
As for nazi/fascist and Metal, I'm pretty sure it's a problem we all have... How many guys have I seen during some gig or other, their right arm raised? And those were not BO gigs...


W:O:A Metalmaster
29 Mai 2002
Washington D.C., USA
Originally posted by calonderiel
Urg... No, never seen that at Manowar, but more often during small Black/Death local festivals...

Yeah, we've got our rash of NSBM pseudo-Odinist punks too - usually bratty maladjusted suburban teenagers who sport their Burzum "Einsatzkommando" shirts proudly and won't buy anything unless it's limited to 666. They usually just sit in the corner hellbent on looking "grimm und kvlt", leaving the REAL metalheads to go full blitz in the pit. They're no concern of mine - they're ridiculous enough on their own.


W:O:A Metalmaster
29 Mai 2002
Washington D.C., USA
Originally posted by Supercharger
hmm..perhaps we can ship all those "true" blackheads to some remote isle somewhere near the coast of Norway and organise safaris to see them..it's a win-win situation..the blackies can act "true" as much as they want and we can have a good laugh :D

ROFL!!! Fuck, I'd pay to visit the "Isle of Grimness"! :D We need to give them a good supply of churches to burn and goats to slaughter. And deprive them of women...because sexual tension just isn't very kvlt. :)

It's good to have you back, Ray!