Resident Evil, Silent Hill, Gears of War, Heavenly Sword, Uncharted, Shen Mue, Final Fantasy, Max Payne, Fahrenheit, Baphomets Fluch, Phantasmagoria, Eternal Darkness, Monkey Island, Diablo, Parasite Eve, World of Warcraft, Call of Duty, Wolfenstein, Quake, Doom, Half-Life, Bioshock, Halo, Kameo, Conquers bad fur day, Conquer-Live and Reloaded, Zelda, Metal Gear Solid, Mario, Sonic, Soldier of Fortune, Kingpin, D2, F.E.A.R., No One Lives Forever, Secret of Mana, Secret of Evermore, Illusion of Time, God of War, und noch viele weitere...