265 beers subjected to the judging part of the Swedish Championships of home brewed beer, so far.
Registration for almost 4 days remaining, we'll most likely hit well over 300 separate beers this year.
Since each beer is entered in 5 bottles, they'll have 1500+ bottles when they collect them all, or about 500 liters of beer
I will take part in the judging again this year of course, but not in the final jury as last year, "only" in the regular rounds. I'll be judging 2 main classes out of the 11 I reckon.
Usually 20 to 40 beers in each class. If we in Göteborg do get a class of 40 it's most likely the only class we'll be judging though, spread out over the two days instead.
So next Saturday and Sunday, 28 and 29 March, I know what I'll do for sure...
9 am each day we start sampling beers, yay