Barlow left Iced Earth

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W:O:A Metalmaster
29 Sep. 2002
Westerwald - Munruff!!! RP
Originally posted by A Coming Curse
this is fucking terrible news..... he won't be easy to replace..... and if they cancel wacken, I don't think I will be able to make the trip over.... they are my favourite active band!!!! :(

To replace him, will be nearly possibly. He was not only a good singer. He was one of the persons who had a stong charisma, aura.

Originally posted by Shadow_Zero
I seriously hope Matt will give a goodbye concert at Wacken.
If he does maybe they could record it for a dvd release :D

If he doesn't I really wonder what Iced Earth will do...
Can they find a new vocalist so soon?
Or will they hire a temporarily vocalist?
Or won't they play that all? (fuck that, Iced Earth is the main reason for me to go to Wacken)
Else I'd like to see Blind Guardian as an emergency replacement.
Or they could do a Demons & Wizards show, that'd be cool too.
1. That would be more than a wonder if they will find one.
2. Hope not.
3. Like Jon said. "I can't see flushing nearly 20 years of hard work down the toilet because a member has had a change of heart. I don't think real Iced Earth fans would want that either."

It might take time, but I.E. will go on. The other question is, if I will still like them with the new singer.

Originally posted by Sodomy&Lust
It has to do with Barlow's stupidity. I can't believe he's leaving Iced Earth because of the September the 11th, and because he wants to study a degree.

Warthog: are you still shocked about what happened with the WTC 21 months later? Barlow is :confused:

I don't understand it, but maybe it's because I live a few thousand kms away from USA......

Hey, if some Terrorist would drop a bomb at the "Bundestag" in Berlin (The place where a lot of overpayed idiots work) and if Schröder and a lot of other politicans die. I dont mind. :D
Tragic hmmm OK, but change my life in that far-reaching consequences. No! -> (another point under next quote)

Originally posted by berserkur
he seemed like a nice, calm and intelligent guy when I spoke to him :(

maybe he had relatives or friends who died? but yeah... 21 months after?!

how can you make homeland "security" a priority than being in one of the most successful heavy metal bands in many parts of Europe and growing in the US????

With I.E. (Every Band) he get a lot of people. Every fan you know. In the both statement they (he) said. They (he) could not do something realy important. That the music at last didnt obtain something in the real world.
But I dont think so. With a band that has their status, they can do a lot.
I didnt take any word from a band as the final truth and I have my own mind, but you get sometimes new points of view. And you get enough of it. Music can give and move.

And if you dont understand what I wrote. If it doesn´t make sense. If it sounds shitty. Sorry, then I´m not able to write my thoughts in english. :D ;)
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


W:O:A Metalmaster
4 Feb. 2003
Originally posted by Hammered_gods
I mean he is fucking idiot,if he didn't realize that there allways were thousands people dying on this world because of civil wars in countries in Africa,Balkan, he had to realize that many many years ago :D:D:D:D

Yeah IE sucked anyways,they weren't special in anything...

thats fucking true ;)


W:O:A Metalmaster
29 Sep. 2002
Westerwald - Munruff!!! RP
Originally posted by Hammered_gods
I mean he is fucking idiot,if he didn't realize that there allways were thousands people dying on this world because of civil wars in countries in Africa,Balkan, he had to realize that many many years ago :D:D:D:D

Yeah IE sucked anyways,they weren't special in anything...


Ah mmhh. Maybe you´re not able to discern the greatness of I.E.


Well, at last, opinions like assholes, everybody got one. You got your and I got mine.

Just curios, what band is "special in anything" for you???


W:O:A Metalmaster
4 Feb. 2003
Originally posted by Psycho

Ah mmhh. Maybe you´re not able to discern the greatness of I.E.


Well, at last, opinions like assholes, everybody got one. You got your and I got mine.

Just curios, what band is "special in anything" for you???

i can answer that ;) :D:D:D

Lord Horb

W:O:A Metalhead
25 Nov. 2001
Letmathe-Sauerland (NRW)
Originally posted by Warthog
please don't tell me you're thinking of the singer on the first album...AAUGGHH he sucked!!!
uhm actually I listened to that album a few weeks ago and was surprized that I liked the singer so much ;) but no, Barlow is a better singer.. well, he was... what he did on Horror Show was ridiculous...

the times I was thinking of were the STORMRIDER / BURNT OFFERINGS / DARK SAGA times... Something Wicked already started to suck... and the Melancholy EP was even worse... Alive in Athens on the other hand was an incredible album again.. but then... *cough*.... *pukes*


W:O:A Metalmaster
22 Mai 2002
Leider Schweden
According to a one-day festival in Sweden (Gates of Metal) ICed Earth should have played there too
this is on their news:

Unfortunately is it true that Matt have left Iced Earth which most of you know. We had a discussion with the agent/manager yesterday and they are now looking for a repleacement-singer.

we will give 1-2 weeks before wedecide to look for other acts
We are als0 having contacts wit hWacken who are in the same situation

I sense we find out within 2 weeks