Barlow left Iced Earth

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W:O:A Metalhead
26 Feb. 2002
Sydney, Australia
The last paragraph of Jon's statement reads

"The Glorious Burden will come out in all it's glory when I find the right guy to redo the vocals. If it takes 2 months, 6 months, a year; whatever it takes to do it right we will get it out the way it's meant to be. The true and dedicated fans should not be concerned that this is the end; it most definitely is not, before you know it the album will be out and it will be the best thing you've heard from Iced Earth. "

This was dated 2 June

But there is no mention of Wacken on their official news. Maybe they will fulfill this commitment.

Matt is leaving music all together to pursue a degree in criminal justice and the school year doesn't start until after Wacken.

I hope they do it!


3 Juni 2003
Website besuchen
I seriously hope Matt will give a goodbye concert at Wacken.
If he does maybe they could record it for a dvd release :D

If he doesn't I really wonder what Iced Earth will do...
Can they find a new vocalist so soon?
Or will they hire a temporarily vocalist?
Or won't they play that all? (fuck that, Iced Earth is the main reason for me to go to Wacken)
Else I'd like to see Blind Guardian as an emergency replacement.
Or they could do a Demons & Wizards show, that'd be cool too.


W:O:A Metalmaster
13 Apr. 2002
Madrid - Spain
Originally posted by dittohead
fuuck...why did he quit?? i cant be bothered to read...just summar ywill do :p

It has to do with Barlow's stupidity. I can't believe he's leaving Iced Earth because of the September the 11th, and because he wants to study a degree.

Warthog: are you still shocked about what happened with the WTC 21 months later? Barlow is :confused:

I don't understand it, but maybe it's because I live a few thousand kms away from USA......


W:O:A Metalhead
Originally posted by Sodomy&Lust
It has to do with Barlow's stupidity. I can't believe he's leaving Iced Earth because of the September the 11th, and because he wants to study a degree.
Warthog: are you still shocked about what happened with the WTC 21 months later? Barlow is :confused:

I don't understand it, but maybe it's because I live a few thousand kms away from USA......

he seemed like a nice, calm and intelligent guy when I spoke to him :(

maybe he had relatives or friends who died? but yeah... 21 months after?!

how can you make homeland "security" a priority than being in one of the most successful heavy metal bands in many parts of Europe and growing in the US????


W:O:A Metalmaster
22 Mai 2002
Leider Schweden
Originally posted by Sodomy&Lust
It has to do with Barlow's stupidity. I can't believe he's leaving Iced Earth because of the September the 11th, and because he wants to study a degree.

Warthog: are you still shocked about what happened with the WTC 21 months later? Barlow is :confused:

I don't understand it, but maybe it's because I live a few thousand kms away from USA......
Actually he wrote:
"For me personally, it shined a new
light on life. It forced me to realize how precious and how short life is."

He maybe has a lot of things he wanted to do.


W:O:A Metalmaster
13 Apr. 2002
Madrid - Spain
Originally posted by Fallen_Knight
Actually he wrote:
"For me personally, it shined a new
light on life. It forced me to realize how precious and how short life is."

That sounds so damn catholic. Maybe he has turned into a catholic activist! :cool: Something like that was supposed to happen with Dan Spitz when he left Anthrax (that's what rumors reported)


W:O:A Metalmaster
29 Mai 2002
Washington D.C., USA
Originally posted by Sodomy&Lust
Warthog: are you still shocked about what happened with the WTC 21 months later? Barlow is :confused:

I don't understand it, but maybe it's because I live a few thousand kms away from USA......

I think you're right, Pablo, it sounds a little hokey to me.

I think Sept 11th was pretty shocking to anyone - I don't care who you are or where you live, the sight of two 110-story skyscrapers collapsing to dust is enough to make your blood freeze. You all saw it on TV, so you all had more or less the same experience I (and most Americans) did.

So yeah, I went through my share of "Oh shit, life is short, better do this-and-this-and-that-and-the-other-thing while I still can". You my motorcycle out of storage and rode it a lot, bought a nice Gibson guitar and started trying to find a band, etc etc etc. Heck - I'll be honest - Sept 11th was part of the reason I started seriously making plans to go to WOA 2002.

But all of that was in the MONTHS after 9/11. It's been almost two years since then, and that's a long time to STILL feel shellshock over the whole incident.

Fuck, Bruce Dickinson was *in* New York on Sept. 11th promoting his Greatest Hits album, and last I heard, he's doing okay! :)

Not to mention that if Barlow's really worried about doing something MEANINGFUL with his life, he's already in the perfect place for it - he can do so much more good by singing for a touring metal band with as many devout fans as Iced Earth, than by working as a low-level flunky for the US Govt. That's my thought, anyhow.

That said, I smell fish... I think Barlow's just tired and wants out. :(


W:O:A Metalmaster
29 Mai 2002
Washington D.C., USA
On a side note, two guys I met on the Argon bus last year told me that when Slayer and Pantera were scheduled to play a show at Wembley just after Sept. 11th, Pantera cancelled because they were too "emotionally distraught" or somesuch.

Whereas Slayer still had the balls to get up onstage and perform, dedicated "War Ensemble" to "that cunt Osama Bin Laden", and had the entire Wembley crowd chanting "USA! USA! USA!".

And Pantera still reportedly partied with Slayer after the gig. Yeah, sounds real distraught to me.


W:O:A Metalmaster
4 Feb. 2003
yeah i went to that gig!! :eek: cant remember much of it..expect sitting it out until slayer and napalm death got on :D

slayer are fucking dudes for playing on:)..
"are threre any whores in the house tonight ;)"


W:O:A Metalmaster
26 Juli 2002
Deventer, the Netherlands
Website besuchen
It's too bad Barlow has left Iced earth but if you look back in the history of the band, you'll see it has been a continious coming and going of bandmembers with Jon Schaffer being the only constant factor. Recently the second guitarist left the band as well.

Matt's argumentation is pretty weak if you ask me. Citing 9-11 as his excuse to leave is not very solid at the least. If that would be the main reason to quit then he should have left shortly after that. My guess is he wants a more normal life and a stable source of income, because most bands cannot or hardly life off the income generated by a (metal)band.

Lord Horb

W:O:A Metalhead
25 Nov. 2001
Letmathe-Sauerland (NRW)
Barlow left Iced Earth... so what? he started suck really bad, and IE started to suck just as bad just as well... so who cares?

if they play Wacken togehter, the only reason to go see them would be DANTE'S INFERNO..

*sighs while thinking of the old days*

*slaps new Iced Earth BIG FUCKING TIME* :D:D:D


W:O:A Metalmaster
5 Sep. 2002
Czech Republic
Website besuchen
I mean he is fucking idiot,if he didn't realize that there allways were thousands people dying on this world because of civil wars in countries in Africa,Balkan, he had to realize that many many years ago :D:D:D:D

Yeah IE sucked anyways,they weren't special in anything...