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W:O:A Metalmaster
15 Aug. 2002
Website besuchen
Original geschrieben von Karsten
Psychotic Waltz- Reunion

....und zum besoffen feiern als Abschluß Fiddlers Green :D
Oder sind die zu true?;)

Bitte lieber die Real McKenzies, Dropkick Murphys, Fighting Irish, Dervish oder gleich die Pogues-Reunion.

Psychotic Waltz wär ich auch für.

Und ich und jeder vernünftige Mensch auf dieser Welt wollen natürlich Kory Clarke sehen, egal ob solo, mit Warrior Soul oder mit den Playboys.


W:O:A Metalmaster
15 Aug. 2002
Website besuchen
Original geschrieben von Karsten
Dropkick Murphys sind geil. Nur laufen da immer so viele Hardcoreasseln rum.
Ne Pogues- Reunion wäre der Hammer.:D

Ich entnehme deinen Worten das du die Real McKenzies nicht kennst. Pflicht für Freunde des Genres, gibt kaum ne bessere Stimmungstruppe als die auf unserem Erdball. Die Platte "Loch'd and Loaded" ist kurz vor fantastisch.


W:O:A Metalgod
Original geschrieben von monochrom
Ich entnehme deinen Worten das du die Real McKenzies nicht kennst. Pflicht für Freunde des Genres, gibt kaum ne bessere Stimmungstruppe als die auf unserem Erdball. Die Platte "Loch'd and Loaded" ist kurz vor fantastisch.
Der Name sacht mir auf jeden Fall was.


W:O:A Metalmaster
15 Aug. 2002
Website besuchen
Original geschrieben von Karsten
Nöö, kenn ich nicht.:D

Also, wenn du dich für irische Musik interessierst, da hätte ich so manche Schmankerl. Könnte da mal was zusammenbrennen, Buskers, Fureys, Flook, Clancy Brothers...

Schon essentiell.

Come all ye young rebels, and list while I sing,
For the love of one's country is a terrible thing.
It banishes fear with the speed of a flame,
And it makes us all part of the patriot game.

My name is O'Hanlon, and I've just turned sixteen.
My home is in Monaghan, and where I was weaned
I learned all my life cruel England's to blame,
So now I am part of the patriot game.

This Ireland of ours has too long been half free.
Six counties lie under John Bull's tyranny.
But still De Valera is greatly to blame
For shirking his part in the Patriot game.

They told me how Connolly was shot in his chair,
His wounds from the fighting all bloody and bare.
His fine body twisted, all battered and lame
They soon made me part of the patriot game.

It's nearly two years since I wandered away
With the local battalion of the bold IRA,
For I read of our heroes, and wanted the same
To play out my part in the patriot game.

I don't mind a bit if I shoot down police
They are lackeys for war never guardians of peace
And yet at deserters I'm never let aim
The rebels who sold out the patriot game

And now as I lie here, my body all holes
I think of those traitors who bargained in souls
And I wish that my rifle had given the same
To those cowards who sold out the patriot game.

Geiler Text, wie immer bei Textgott Dominic Behan.


W:O:A Metalgod
Original geschrieben von monochrom
Also, wenn du dich für irische Musik interessierst, da hätte ich so manche Schmankerl. Könnte da mal was zusammenbrennen, Buskers, Fureys, Flook, Clancy Brothers...

Schon essentiell.

Come all ye young rebels, and list while I sing,
For the love of one's country is a terrible thing.
It banishes fear with the speed of a flame,
And it makes us all part of the patriot game.

My name is O'Hanlon, and I've just turned sixteen.
My home is in Monaghan, and where I was weaned
I learned all my life cruel England's to blame,
So now I am part of the patriot game.

This Ireland of ours has too long been half free.
Six counties lie under John Bull's tyranny.
But still De Valera is greatly to blame
For shirking his part in the Patriot game.

They told me how Connolly was shot in his chair,
His wounds from the fighting all bloody and bare.
His fine body twisted, all battered and lame
They soon made me part of the patriot game.

It's nearly two years since I wandered away
With the local battalion of the bold IRA,
For I read of our heroes, and wanted the same
To play out my part in the patriot game.

I don't mind a bit if I shoot down police
They are lackeys for war never guardians of peace
And yet at deserters I'm never let aim
The rebels who sold out the patriot game

And now as I lie here, my body all holes
I think of those traitors who bargained in souls
And I wish that my rifle had given the same
To those cowards who sold out the patriot game.

Geiler Text, wie immer bei Textgott Dominic Behan.
Auf jeden Fall interessant. Hm, bin ja (hoffentlich:rolleyes: ) in zwei Wochen in Hamburg. Mach doch mal, wäre schon neugierig.