Bad experience

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W:O:A Metalhead
28 Jan. 2004
Website besuchen
Originally posted by Sodomy&Lust
And that could be dangerous. There's a guy with the word 'sodomy' in his nick :D

:D :D :D :D :D loooooooooool!!!!

The only one thing I said... Ok... I said to a guy that he "could fuck his dog in all holes if he's got problem with his sexuality"... (don't pay any attention to the subject of the conversation...)

But nobody told me that this dog died a few days before... soo, He took my joke very badly, but it was a joke. I could be sorry, but I fucking didn't know anything.

I use to breack glasses of the walls too when I'm drunk... in bars, for exemple, so everybody has to go away... (This is an exemple of my "jokes")

Yeah, lets meet us in wacken (or waldrock). I'm sure that you don't have any problems wih alcohol and "animal's jokes"... hehe


W:O:A Metalmaster
21 Juli 2002
Leeds UK
Hey miss dont worry bout it everyone makes mistakes and they can be put right. Ive made a lot of mistakes when ive been drunk before but you cant dwell on the pasr just look on to the future :D:)

Godamn how emo do i sound haha :p