MetalCommando schrieb:
Of music, movies, comics, for the most part. A big problem is that lawyers have, as elsewhere in the world, way too much power.
The aforementioned U-Comix died like this: A right-wing lawyer set the police in motion, to bust comic stores and bookshops all over germany, in search for comics which were on a list he gave to them. "Mouse" by Art Spiegelman was on that list, for example, because it has a swastika on the cover and is therefore nazi-propaganda. About 80-90% was just as ridiculous. Now, the problem was not that this lawyer had a chance to win his bullshit case (He lost on all levels, in every single case), but that so much time passed in which U-Comix could not sell a great part of their repertoire (also they lost a lot of the bookshops, as these became afraid after the police raids), so that they went bankcrupt. Not a direct form of censorship, but a clever one.
The Christa Jenal (You remember, the conservative feminist) case against metal and other forms of underground music is a different one - that is just the usual form of censorship. She applies to one of the censorship offices (FSK, BPJM) and they often follow.