I also think It's bullshit. I only heard that the leader of the biggest party is personal against the so called ' gedoogbeleid'

(I don't have a English word for it, this policy contains that soft-drugs like cannabis are illegal. You may not sell it, you may not cultivate it (only a few plants fot personal use is allowed) but you may use it. And you can only buy it at the so-called coffeeshops.
I hope I explained it good enough.
But that's all I heard. At this moment we don't even have a government so for now you don't have to worry about it. Even if that guy wants it, his proposal wont come through I think.
But my opinion about the foreign media is that you must not believe everything they say. Foreign journalist don't even take the time when something interesting happens in the Netherlands to find out the truth. same example about the murder of Pim Fortuyn 'the man with his anti immigration party, a second Haider or le Pen' bladibla. (I don't want to talk about politics now so I don't pursue the matter further)
What also is fun is that if foreign have their attention on the Netherlands that is news in the Netherlands again
I don't smoke and I also don't use cannabis, so for me if something like that should happen. I don't actually care about that

But it would be stupid if they would though
And I still think its funny about the reputation the Netherlands has
Netherlands--> Amsterdam--> drugs