Anti-USA feelings?

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W:O:A Metalhead
15 Juni 2002
Website besuchen
Thats what its all about..the cheese and greese or how ever the fuck ya spell that.. did you try our ribs?! or our hamburgers! yes we are americans and we make hamburgers and ribs...boy oh boy. I dont even eat fucking hamburgers! Whats that say about me ;-)


W:O:A Metalmaster
4 Feb. 2003
haha i had the McDonalds burger..i had a hot dog once...not as GREASY as English onions though :(

heheh club sandwich??! god damn i missed out :p

madison sq gardens was boring...;)


W:O:A Metalhead
15 Juni 2002
Website besuchen
Originally posted by dittohead
what?!? does it NEVER CLSOE??

all our shops are closed..3 hours ago

Not in Germany, it seems these bitches eat burgers all night..shit nigga!

I dont know what I will get though...sigh.. we need a Wendy's here...does anyone have a Wendys in your area??! I fucking envy you if so...the greatest possesion I left behind...::::weeps:::: mmmmm Frosty.


W:O:A Metalmaster
4 Feb. 2003
COOL...everything closed at 7pm in berlin, when i got there...

some food places, and bars were open..

i love berlin!

love to go back


W:O:A Metalmaster
29 Mai 2002
Washington D.C., USA
Originally posted by Shiny
"it only takes one person to take offense"

Wouldn't you say that there would be at one asshole out of 40,000 people?

I'd say it'd be pretty shit luck if out of that huge campground, I happen to neighbor that one asshole.

and I'd hope that out of those 40,000, there'd be at least a few kind folks in the vicinity willing to help me tell the fucker off. I'm not afraid of confrontation...I just don't like to be alone.

Hell, the overwhelming majority of people I met last year were infinitely cool. The one guy from Düsseldorf who told me that he "laughed when the World Trade Center towers fell" didn't ruin Wacken for me. I just politely bid that group adieu, and found some other cool 'heads to drink with.

I'm not too worried about it - the main purpose of the flag is, as monochrom put it, to catch attention from other Americans (I only met one last year), or quite simply, just to make the presence known.

@ CarpWolf - heart disease? yeah, it's the leading cause of death here. especially in the south, where everything gets served in a yellow pool of grease, haha. Damn, I'll be in trouble if I keep making chili the way I do. :D

@Sheisthedark - Funny, I'm eating a Frosty right now :) (and yes, EATING...unless you leave it sitting for hours, there's no way you can DRINK a Frosty, lol)

Metal 808

3 März 2003
Honolulu, Hawaii
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Another American

As another American attending Wacken, I will be there for one thing and one thing only... METAL!!! And of course that means the Metal brotherhood that all of us attending will share. Our Metal bond will and does erase all of our race and origin differences. I for one am anxious to share this awesome event with fellow metalheads from all over the world! That will be just incredible. I will not bring an American flag with me, but I will probably bring a Hawaiian flag as that is where I live. I may be an American, but like most Americans I can trace my ancestral roots back to Europe and or other continents/countries. Mine are in Sweden, Germany and Switzerland. To sum it all up, I say, lets just get together have a beer and rock out like the bunch of metal crazed rockers that we are! See you there!


W:O:A Metalmaster
15 Aug. 2002
Website besuchen
Re: Another American

Originally posted by Metal 808
As another American attending Wacken, I will be there for one thing and one thing only... METAL!!! And of course that means the Metal brotherhood that all of us attending will share. Our Metal bond will and does erase all of our race and origin differences. I for one am anxious to share this awesome event with fellow metalheads from all over the world! That will be just incredible. I will not bring an American flag with me, but I will probably bring a Hawaiian flag as that is where I live. I may be an American, but like most Americans I can trace my ancestral roots back to Europe and or other continents/countries. Mine are in Sweden, Germany and Switzerland. To sum it all up, I say, lets just get together have a beer and rock out like the bunch of metal crazed rockers that we are! See you there!

For me it is like - hey every metalhead is invited for the party. And we are everywhere - there is Black Metal from Nepal, Death Metal from Iraq and whatnot. And if a syrian metalhead would want to fly a syrian flag, go man, yes you do have an absolute system but let fly whatever you want (sorry for the pun).

I would very much hate to see people getting trouble for sth like that. There is absolutely no reason I could think of. But how about you guys camping close too or at the forum camp? Loads of good people around if you get into trouble with ANYTHING.


W:O:A Metalmaster
29 Mai 2002
Washington D.C., USA
Re: Another American

Originally posted by Metal 808
but I will probably bring a Hawaiian flag as that is where I live.

Hey, I like that idea :) That's bound to catch some attention! I'll stick to Old Glory, just because a Maryland flag wouldn't mean jack shit to anyone over there, hahaha.

@mono - I'll be around the forum camp regardless...if only because I don't want a long walk back to my tent after drinking with you all. :)