Anthrax might NOT play Wacken...

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W:O:A Metalhead
21 Feb. 2008
Nattheim :o
Wollen wir hoffen das se noch genug geld inne Tasche für Bush haben. Ansonsten wäre ein schadenausgleichender Ersatz pflicht. Irgendwas vom Kaliber Sacred Reich, Overkill oder Megadeth. Wegen mir auch ne Band aus der neuen Welle: Evile, Gamma Bomb, Mantic Ritual!

ich hoff doch auch dass das mit bush klappt..
die bands aus der new wave find ich zwar klasse, aber sie können anthrax nichtmal annähernd ersetzen.
gama bomb oder violator würden mich aber trotzdem sehr freuen.. oder auch bonded by blood nachdem sie beim queens of metal kurzfristig abgesagt haben -.-
11 Aug. 2003
Yep, looks like the are negotiating with anthrax to play Wacken with Bush singing. That would be the best news after all the ups and downs in Anthrax over the last years. I never understood why the had to drop John and play a tour with Belladonna. Maybe I m too young but I prefer John and hope to see them again in Wacken after their great show in 2004.

Conscious Pilot

W:O:A Metalhead
24 Mai 2008
North America
Yep, looks like the are negotiating with anthrax to play Wacken with Bush singing. That would be the best news after all the ups and downs in Anthrax over the last years. I never understood why the had to drop John and play a tour with Belladonna. Maybe I m too young but I prefer John and hope to see them again in Wacken after their great show in 2004.

I agree with all of your points and I'm not young ;) There is no comparison to the John Bush version for me. Blows away the Belladonna-era.

This would be an amazing outcome.