Addictions, well, uhm, here we go:
Metal, of course, and sometimes, I really need it (I think you can sympethise), especially when away from home, among crappy music, it's that little half an hour of listening to your discman (or whatever) that is the oasis that gives you some inner peace. Eh, I'm getting carried away probably, but I need my daily dose of guitars
Beer, eh, what's there to say, I love it
Internet, and then mostly forums (mainly Blind Guardian and DragonForce forums), but also some chat/ICQ/MSN etc...
My girl (damn, it seems everyone is getting girlfriends lately, must be some new military experiment with feromonesor something

), can't wait to see her again
Lead, or, more precisely, miniature wargames, but lead-addiction is a more common term among gamers, I also seem to suffer from quite a lot of cases of
As for movies, damn, I saw Blue Velvet once and it was weird, though I didn't like it that much (seemed a bit pretentious to me

), I might check out Wild At Heart though

NP: Opeth - Demon Of The Fall