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W:O:A Metalmaster
29 Mai 2002
Washington D.C., USA
Originally posted by mugabe
Oh. "The average member of the general public", then.

I would also like to apologise in advance to all members of the academic community for mockingly referring to them as "the scholarly intelligentsia", ascribing to them a ridiculous self-important hubris that is in no way characteristic of all nice university and college staff members.

Like they need to hear groveling from the boorish knuckle-dragging likes of you to know that having IQs measured in scientific notation isn't enough reason to have a bloated ego!

Natch. :D


W:O:A Metalmaster
29 Mai 2002
Washington D.C., USA
Originally posted by Brat

Generally the commas between each of the nouns in your 1st sentence replaces 'and' therefore you use an 'and' before the last noun but without the comma.

Not that anyone gives a shit, but in my backwards American education I was taught:

1) that the comma before the last "and" was completely optional, because it does not in any way affect, invert, or distort the meaning of the sentence, and that either way is correct.
2) that such a comma is called a "Harvard comma." Yeah, it figures. :D
3) that structuring a list like "rabbits, emus, flocks of galahs and wallabies" is considered bad form anyway, and that any ambiguity is better solved by language than by punctuation (my 9th grade English teacher made me a firm believer in making sure that a sentence made the same sense whether you spoke it or wrote it)

But the important lesson in all of this is that rock 'n' roll ain't noise pollution.


W:O:A Metalmaster
5 Sep. 2002
Czech Republic
Website besuchen
Originally posted by black widow
not all but a lot it is often very funny to play a trick on them when they are shy:D But mr right is not there because there are not much men who listen to metal in my town!:(

Neither in my town...well it doesnt matter, I cant imagine to have a boyfirend anyways. Very wild perrson as I am needs to be lone wolf, cause I dont need anybody to hold me back. Well last time I went with my friends to pizzeria-pub and I got fucking drunk and I was doing bullshit. But as far as I have fun other people can just kiss my ass (Yeah really I showed them my ass and told them that they can just kiss my ass) :D:D:D

black widow

W:O:A Metalhead
Originally posted by Hammered_gods
Neither in my town...well it doesnt matter, I cant imagine to have a boyfirend anyways. Very wild perrson as I am needs to be lone wolf, cause I dont need anybody to hold me back. Well last time I went with my friends to pizzeria-pub and I got fucking drunk and I was doing bullshit. But as far as I have fun other people can just kiss my ass (Yeah really I showed them my ass and told them that they can just kiss my ass) :D:D:D
you are very crazy!!! But my friends are not the best for me! They always have parties without alcohol and tell me not to have fun with a man even for one night! The latest relationships i had were not the best! the men were too old or i was too young and so we drifted away. And now i think i should wait at least untill my 18th birthday to have a new/next relationship! But i am going to have my fun in the next 3 years!


W:O:A Metalmaster
5 Sep. 2002
Czech Republic
Website besuchen
Originally posted by black widow
you are very crazy!!! But my friends are not the best for me! They always have parties without alcohol and tell me not to have fun with a man even for one night! The latest relationships i had were not the best! the men were too old or i was too young and so we drifted away. And now i think i should wait at least untill my 18th birthday to have a new/next relationship! But i am going to have my fun in the next 3 years!

I mean age doesnt metter. You know I am getting worse with the age pretty much. Til my 15 I was very nice person. With age I am just getting wilder :D:D:D