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W:O:A Metalhead
31 Aug. 2012
Aylmer, Quebec Canada
But as you can imagine, a tent, sleeping bag, insulation mat, camping pillow and a bunch of socks take up a lot of space :p

Aye that's a lot. We bring only 1 backpack each - which is why we are renting the tents. I HATE checking luggage as I have had mine lost way too many times for my comfort.

Anything specific we 'have' to have? I know to bring loo roll and wet wipes. We will probably be shopping in Stuttgart before we leave so I can pick up anything like that. Do you have any recommendations?


W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
Aye that's a lot. We bring only 1 backpack each - which is why we are renting the tents. I HATE checking luggage as I have had mine lost way too many times for my comfort.

Anything specific we 'have' to have? I know to bring loo roll and wet wipes. We will probably be shopping in Stuttgart before we leave so I can pick up anything like that. Do you have any recommendations?

I've got a whole big list of stuff I need to bring which is mostly stuff you'd bring on holidays anyway. I'd say definitely multivitamins, maybe some cutlery...pretty much the rest you can buy there if you forget it (including loo paper). The Full Metal Bag also comes with goodies like a poncho, a pen, a torch, a "rubber", etc.


W:O:A Metalmaster
8 Mai 2012
Aye that's a lot. We bring only 1 backpack each - which is why we are renting the tents. I HATE checking luggage as I have had mine lost way too many times for my comfort.

Anything specific we 'have' to have? I know to bring loo roll and wet wipes. We will probably be shopping in Stuttgart before we leave so I can pick up anything like that. Do you have any recommendations?

no,but let me know when you are in Stuttgart.So i can tell you where to go ...