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W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
I'm so pissed off with the city council where I work; we all are :mad: Someone thought it was a good idea to rip up half the road on both sides, including the roundabout up the street where our staff car park is located, while we are all trying to get to work etc. In the same street there are business blocks (where my actual office is), a university, housing (including student accommodation), and an entrance to a motorway. But no, just stay there for a bit while I RIP UP THE FUCKING ROAD...nah just...hang on a bit while I FILL THE HOLE WITH DIRT AND COMPACT IT A BIT...JUST...HANG ON...JUST...NEARLY SORT OF DONE...BAH FUCK IT OFF YOU GO I'LL FIX IT LATER. Apparently this started on Friday and it took everyone something like an hour to get out of there.

This afternoon I couldn't quite work out how I was supposed to get onto the road where I normally get off cos there were so many people and so many machines in the way, next thing I know I'm on the motorway, approaching a toll without a tag, and travelling in pretty much the opposite direction :o Found my way back ok though thankfully.