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W:O:A Metalhead
31 Aug. 2012
Aylmer, Quebec Canada
I do that with all my nephews/nieces in Belgium. They're all French speaking, but I refuse to speak French to them. EVERYTHING in Dutch.
Belgium, bilingual country, both FR as NL, so they'll have to recognise it anyways.

Any young kids who live in a bilingual country BETTER speak both languages. My 5yr old step son can switch without even blinking. He is perfectly bilingual - his French is better than mine! :o

I have no idea why a parent in a bilingual country wouldn't teach thier children both languages :( sucks that mine never forced me to speak French.


W:O:A Metalmaster
17 Aug. 2010
Bei Erlangen
Any young kids who live in a bilingual country BETTER speak both languages. My 5yr old step son can switch without even blinking. He is perfectly bilingual - his French is better than mine! :o

I have no idea why a parent in a bilingual country wouldn't teach thier children both languages :( sucks that mine never forced me to speak French.

Because it can happen, that the child learns non of them right. Google it. It can be a real problem. :o But I can´t explaine it in english.


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Any young kids who live in a bilingual country BETTER speak both languages. My 5yr old step son can switch without even blinking. He is perfectly bilingual - his French is better than mine! :o

I have no idea why a parent in a bilingual country wouldn't teach thier children both languages :( sucks that mine never forced me to speak French.

Mine are/will be bilingual. I unfortunately didn't have that chance, but I come from a mono-lingual country.

Thank goodness I do speak 3 foreign languages.


W:O:A Metalhead
31 Aug. 2012
Aylmer, Quebec Canada
Done that.

But as long as both parents can speak THEIR OWN native language, the child will adapt itself.

I am Italian - both parents came from Italy so that is the language we spoke at home growing up. I learned English at school but never managed to get good at French. I am not bilingual in Italian anymore though because no one here speaks it with me so once you no longer practice, you forget.


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
I am Italian - both parents came from Italy so that is the language we spoke at home growing up. I learned English at school but never managed to get good at French. I am not bilingual in Italian anymore though because no one here speaks it with me so once you no longer practice, you forget.

But that's because Canada is not bilnngual EN-IT, but EN-FR. (and that depends on the province in question, nonetheless), just like Belgium is bilingual (trilingual) NL-FR(-DE). The environment here doesn't adapt to Italophones.


W:O:A Metalhead
31 Aug. 2012
Aylmer, Quebec Canada
But that's because Canada is not bilnngual EN-IT, but EN-FR. (and that depends on the province in question, nonetheless), just like Belgium is bilingual (trilingual) NL-FR(-DE). The environment here doesn't adapt to Italophones.

True. But saying that the children will adapt isn't always accurate if the parents native language is not one of the 'recognized' ones in the country. Maybe I should go to Italy - of course that would be useless right now given the economic situation there recently.


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
True. But saying that the children will adapt isn't always accurate if the parents native language is not one of the 'recognized' ones in the country. Maybe I should go to Italy - of course that would be useless right now given the economic situation there recently.


But for NL-FR here in Belgium, that is the case. Both are national languages, just like EN-FR in Canada. If you teach your kid(s) those languages (here, both you and me), it can't hurt. And they'll need it anyways in a later life. Provided they won't make the same step as I did, which is move out of the country. of course.