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W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007
Other funny story from the other day was a girl who brought in a smartphone to return.

It looked like this.


"Um... we can't refund that, it's too damaged."
"But it came like that."
*mental facepalm* "Ooookaaaay. Um. How long ago did you get it?"
"A couple of weeks." *pulls out receipt that's so worn out, it's not even legible, though I do make out the date of somewhere in March*
"Okay, yea, that's way outside our window for returns anyway."

At least she didn't put up a fight after that.


W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007
Expecting us to believe that a phone came that badly damaged is one thing. But then why wouldn't you bring it back the next couple of days, instead of having it a few weeks? Ridiculous.

But hilarious. :D


W:O:A Metalgod
22 Juni 2005
Almere, Holland
Other funny story from the other day was a girl who brought in a smartphone to return.

It looked like this.


"Um... we can't refund that, it's too damaged."
"But it came like that."
*mental facepalm* "Ooookaaaay. Um. How long ago did you get it?"
"A couple of weeks." *pulls out receipt that's so worn out, it's not even legible, though I do make out the date of somewhere in March*
"Okay, yea, that's way outside our window for returns anyway."

At least she didn't put up a fight after that.

this made me smile :)