W:O:A Metalhead
that's actually enough protein to build muscles, conserving takes about 0,75 gram per lb
I assumed 1g because she said she was working out
that's actually enough protein to build muscles, conserving takes about 0,75 gram per lb
by the way, I'm not going to Wacken this year!
Come to Metalcamp!
D: no! I just disappeared for boring reasons! how have you been?
Looks like we'll have to arrange a forum meeting again this year and hopefully this time I'll actually find everyone and not just Finnchick/cetta I hope you're good at talking in real life cos our encounter went nothing like it does on the forum...I suck at conversing
Metalheadz Open Air und Summer Breezenur auf Metalcamp in Slowenien! und du?
Ahabecause I bekame a speleologist!|
yeah, it did! It was cool it was beer o'clock all the time ahahaha
depends if you wanna come to amsterdam for a meeting.
No Problemo!
Pitten kan ik daar desnoods ook, of anders in Polderdorp.