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W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
Few of my friends (guys) and I have come to conclusion that this actually is the biggest problem when men and women try to communicate espacially in romantic relationships.
Women share their thinking process and start from somewhere and get to the point/conclusion after long long talk and men have already stopped listening at this point and they miss the main thing.
Men talk when they have come to some conclusion. They don't even tell they are thinking about something or something is bothering them. Women easily think that at this point men are mad at them or something similar even though men might be thinking about work or something else that has nothing to do with the relationship.


This reminds me of two things:
1) my mother
2) my supervisor (when she's trying to figure something out). It's funny when she asks for my help for something and she just keeps talking, then she figures it out and says "thanks Alix hahahaha :p"


W:O:A Metalgod
22 Juni 2005
Almere, Holland
so if you talk to somebody on facebook you can now apparently see when the other has read your message. it than says "seen 1:17 PM" for instance.

so it looks like she saw my message yesterday, but no reaction yet.

I guess that's a "no" :p