I can remember that we (as this groupe here) we had kind of a consensus not to open a thread. Now, this has happened, and weather we like it or not, we have to live with it.
Frankly, this wasn't my idea either, but it is the case now.
Having said this, this doesn't mean that this thread has to die because everyone is now trying to reach the impossible goal of 100K in 100 (less) days. As far as I see it, this thread could more or less be the talking thread, while the 100k is for useless shit, or usefull information, whichever you prefer.
And.... I know for some of us (and I already mentinoed the groupe) the 100k is itself useless, still we all have to respect someone's idea, and/or opinion.
And it may not have been my idea, I will keep both threads alive.
Just my 2 cents.