50,000 before W:O:A 2009!

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W:O:A Metalmaster
9 Juli 2002
Mölndal, Sweden
Låt oss rädda threaden!
Men först imorgen eller antagligen på torsdag, eftersom ja ska läsa och sova och drömma om färjor nu och titta på en norsk film imorgon :eek:

God natt!

Vi håller den nog vid liv :)

Jag skall dricka lite öl imorgon, tappa öl på flaska på torsdag, köra bil till Enköping på fredag, döma SM-final i ölbryggning på lördag, köra hem på söndag :p


W:O:A Metalgod
19 März 2007
because this thread is as close as we are to beating the germans...
if we keep starting new threads every time we reach a new, slightly higher goal, it'll take significantly longer.
plus, it's fun :p

No, it wasn't fun anymore. That's why we made the new thread. If you would have kept posting after 50k it wouldn't have been a problem, but this way you showed that you need a goal or something. The thread was absolutely and totally boring the last days!

About your beaten the germans theory I wrote in the 100k thread


W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007
No, it wasn't fun anymore. That's why we made the new thread. If you would have kept posting after 50k it wouldn't have been a problem, but this way you showed that you need a goal or something. The thread was absolutely and totally boring the last days!

About your beaten the germans theory I wrote in the 100k thread

i mean the competition is fun :D
and it does seem that we need a goal... but if we keep starting new threads, it'll take a lot longer.
and we can beat the germans if we try and DON'T GIVE UP!! :p
so i say, keep it going!!