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W:O:A Metalgod
23 Apr. 2002
I actually should read something about Icelandic history, but the first part of that text bored me to death. It was like the history of creation. "When bla was king, bla was born and he was the son of bla, who was the uncle of bla and it was the time when bla was pope" :rolleyes:


W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007
I actually should read something about Icelandic history, but the first part of that text bored me to death. It was like the history of creation. "When bla was king, bla was born and he was the son of bla, who was the uncle of bla and it was the time when bla was pope" :rolleyes:

so apparently, this guy named bla did a lot for iceland :p