damn, i think the little bit of milk that was left in the fridge is sour
Some people will not be OK with this new thread.
For instance the team *MAPS*. (=gnoff+xforeverxmetalx)
I don't know if I'm OK with it, and what Quarkyloidea thinks is a big question!
And we won't have an answer that quick. (as I am now going off, because it's time to go home!)
Wenn meine Hälfte dies liest, kann sie es evt. hier schreiben, und ich werd's nachlesen. Wenn Mümmel was schreibt, werd ich es "met een korreltje zout" nehmen. (wat wird dat ma sein??? )
@meine Süße, :-*
If the new thread makes the people come online more intensive again, I'll be perfectly ok with it! I hope it works... it's such a shame, that the thread died after 50k
am i the only hope for this thread?
evening, long day today
they made a new thread!!
they made a new thread!!
For the time being you are.